Posts Tagged ‘Software Systems’

16 OER Sites Every Educator Should Know

Open educational resources not only save students from triple-digit (or more!) textbook costs, but they also allow instructors to mix-and-match content for a more personalized, engaging learning experience. Here are 16 resources that offer a wide range of content and tools to help implement OER in just about any course. Campus Technology Full Article

Brief on Accessibility of Instructional Materials in a Digital Age for State and District Leaders

Contact: Geoff Fletcher SETDA Deputy Executive Director 202-715-6636 x703
 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE WASHINGTON, DC (June 23, 2014) – The State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA) recently released a policy brief for state and district education leaders focused on considerations and strategies regarding the accessibility of digital content for all students. The brief, The Accessibility of Learning Content […]

Can South African higher education institutions embrace the digital era?

While opinions of implementation and other factors differ, many authors, experts and researchers agree on one point: the future of education is digital. Institutions around the world have embraced online learning as a means to attract more students and provide the public with alternative ways of learning. In South Africa, though, the situation is constrained […]

The University Library as Incubator for Digital Scholarship

By leveraging technology, we can open new doors to scholarly inquiry for ourselves and our students. Through new collaborations, we can create exciting shared spaces, both virtual and physical, where that inquiry can take place. The library is a natural home for these technology-rich spaces. EDUCAUSE Full Article

‘Can I Tweet That?’

WASHINGTON — From censored tweets to viral videos of professors’ partisan “rants,” numerous faculty members have found themselves in hot water over how they’ve used or been portrayed on social media in the past year. For faculty members at most colleges and universities, social media is a kind of “wild west” in which there are […]

Learning to Adapt

The term “adaptive learning” can mean many things, even to colleges that have begun experimenting with it. A broad definition is the use of software — often driven by data collection — to create a more individualized learning experience for students. Experts say adaptive learning has promise in tailoring coursework and supports to students, which […]

An AI milestone: Chatbot passes Turing Test by posing as 13-year-old boy

A supercomputer has achieved an artificial intelligence milestone by passing the Turing Test, according to the University of Reading in the U.K. At an event on Saturday at the Royal Society in London, a conversation program running on a computer called Eugene Goostman was able to convince more than a third of the judges that […]

Academic 15: Evaluating library and IT staff responses to disruption and change in higher education

Academic 15 (A15), an interview–based research project, explores the perceptions of university library and information technology (IT) staff related to the challenges impacting higher education as a result of technological advances. Faced with disruption on many fronts, academic library and IT staff have adapted and adopted a number of tools and processes to cope with […]

Middlebury Faculty Seeks to Cut Ties With Online-Education Company

The faculty at Middlebury College last week took a stand against the Vermont institution’s partnership with K12, an online-education company that has been helping the college turn its reputation as a language-instruction mecca into a business venture. The professors voted, 95 to 16, to end the relationship with the company. Wired Campus Full Article

Hacking the Competition

During the summer of 2010, Symplicity Corporation knew it wasn’t keeping up with the competition. Trying to stand out in the small world of technology companies that supply colleges with software to track student disciplinary cases, Symplicity CEO Ariel Manuel Friedler noticed more colleges and universities picking its main competitor, Maxient, because its software “feels […]