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Mobile Learning in 2020 – The Complete Guide to mLearning If you’re interested in the landscape and expectations of mobile learning in 2020 and how to implement it effectively, here’s our complete guide to mLearning today. We include a recap of what mobile elearning means, and the latest content design and strategy best practices for […]

February 16, 2020 | Daily News, Elearning, Higher Education, K-12, mLearning, Reports & White Papers

Cutting Through the Noise: Your Learning Technology FAQs [Part 1]

We know the processes and demands of L&D and HR are changing — as professionals, we hear it everywhere. The skills gap is growing, technological advancements are displacing workers, AI continues to change the way teams operate, and the list goes on. And all the while, expectations for learning leaders continue to grow. But here’s the […]

February 16, 2020 | Business, Daily News, Higher Education, Processes, Technology

Top 10 IT Issues, 2020: The Drive to Digital Transformation Begins

Colleges and universities today face numerous and varied challenges. Higher education leaders know that with so much at stake, perhaps even their own institution’s survival, transformational change is needed. Leaders are hoping to serve different types of learners, offer more flexible credentials and learning opportunities, expand research efforts, and develop new partnerships with employers, industries, […]

February 16, 2020 | Daily News, Higher Education, Policy, Technology

Assessing the cognitive and communicative properties of Facebook Reactions and Likes as lightweight feedback cues

The emergence of Facebook Reactions provides new opportunities to explore the nature of paralinguistic digital affordances (PDAs; lightweight one-click social media response cues). Guided by adaptive structuration theory and the concept of cognitive automaticity, a survey of 255 individuals aged 18–24 assessed the cognitive processes and communicative meanings associated with the provision of Facebook Reactions […]

February 16, 2020 | Daily News, Higher Education, Research, Social Media, Technology

With $1.1B Valuation, Course Hero Joins the Edtech Unicorn Stable

Another U.S. education technology company has reached the billion-dollar valuation mark, and with that comes bragging rights to being a “unicorn.” But its CEO winces when he hears the word. He really, really doesn’t want to talk about it. “I am careful about that term being the focus,” says Andrew Grauer, who co-founded Course Heroin […]

February 16, 2020 | Daily News, Higher Education, Markets, Technology

A Contemporary Educational Network for Professional Development

As seen in every aspect of life, technology has triggered revolutionary developments that shape and direct learning environments. Development of information technologies and the Internet has triggered the spread of the languages all around the world through online communication. This has made the English language one of the most popular international languages that has become […]

February 16, 2020 | Daily News, Higher Education, K-12

Predicting academic success in higher education: literature review and best practices

Student success plays a vital role in educational institutions, as it is often used as a metric for the institution’s performance. Early detection of students at risk, along with preventive measures, can drastically improve their success. Lately, machine learning techniques have been extensively used for prediction purpose. While there is a plethora of success stories […]

February 16, 2020 | Daily News, Higher Education, Research

An Interview with James Keevy (Podcast)

James Keevy, Chief Executive Officer of JET Education Services, talks with CHEA President Judith Eaton about digitization – its key features and importance – and the impact of digitization on higher education and quality assurance. Council for Higher Education Accreditation

February 16, 2020 | Daily News, Higher Education, Quality Assurance, Technology

Get Adventurous with Your Leadership Training

Organizations spend billions of dollars each year on leadership development. Yet research has shown that many of these programs don’t seem to work — they fail to help individuals develop the sorts of dynamic, collaborative leadership skills needed for today’s work. Harvard Business Review

February 16, 2020 | Business, Daily News, Leadership Professional Development

Attrition in Online and Face-to-Face Calculus and Precalculus Courses: A Comparative Analysis

A multitude of online courses are available that provide opportunities for students to meet their higher education needs, goals, and desires in a nontraditional school setting. But, from a content specific perspective, how are students performing in online courses compared to their face-to-face counterparts? This study seeks to examine the attrition rates of online calculus […]

February 16, 2020 | Attrition, Daily News, Higher Education, Research