Review Article

New technologies, especially those relying on artificial intelligence or data analytics, are exciting but also present ethical challenges that deserve our attention and action. Higher education can and must lead the way. EDUCAUSE Review

May 23, 2020 | Daily News, Governance, Higher Education, Management

5 Tips for Moving from Remote Instruction to Quality Online Learning

During the rush to remote instruction this spring, faculty and staff at higher education institutions have done their best to help maintain academic continuity. While many in the higher education community have stressed that the emergency shift to finish the spring semester via remote instruction is not online learning, a “new normal” is beginning to […]

May 23, 2020 | Daily News, Higher Education, Instructional Design

How College Students Viewed This Spring’s Remote Learning

A professor’s in-depth survey of students before and after courses went virtual offers insights into how colleges can improve. The key elements: a thoughtful mix of flexibility and structure. Inside Higher Ed

May 23, 2020 | Daily News, Higher Education, Learners, Online Learning

As learning moves online, higher ed needs more data insights: A new white paper from Splunk

With hundreds of universities having canceled in-person instruction for the spring semester, and most of them continuing distance learning initiatives into the summer session, higher education technology leaders need to gather and leverage data to help maximize the services they’re providing from a distance, according to a new white paper from Splunk. edscoop

May 23, 2020 | Analytics, Daily News, Higher Education, Reports & White Papers

Free Top Hat Basic Allows for Live Streaming and Recording of Class

Top Hat is launching a version of its program that will assist faculty in embedding active learning into their remote classes. The recently announced Top Hat Basic will be available free to students and professors in time for the fall 2020 semester, the company said. Campus Technology

May 21, 2020 | Daily News, Higher Education, Instructional Design, K-12, Video Conferencing

Designing digital workspaces for creativity and collaboration in online project-based courses

In response to Covid-19, we developed an environment to bring project-based work online in two very different courses: a middle school robotics course and a university product design studio. In the process, we’ve discovered new strategies to support collaboration, foster creativity, and make student thinking visible. This post includes learnings gleaned from both of these […]

May 18, 2020 | Daily News, Higher Education, Instructional Design, K-12, Learning Management Systems

Zoom to Open New R&D Office Near Carnegie Mellon

Zoom Video Communications, Inc. has announced it will open a research and development (R&D) office in Pittsburgh, joining Phoenix as the two locations selected by the company. Although a physical location hasn’t been determined yet, the company says it will seek to open its office near Carnegie Mellon University’s campus to capitalize on the university’s […]

May 18, 2020 | Daily News, Daily News, Higher Education, Video Conferencing, Video Technology

Becoming an open educator: towards an open threshold framework

In this article, we propose a cross-pollination of two prominent lines of educational thought: open education (OE) and threshold concepts (TCs). Open education has gained an increased profile through the growing popularity of open educational resources (OER) and massive online open courses (MOOCs). Educators who create or make use of such resources, or employ related […]

May 16, 2020 | Daily News, Faculty, Faculty Development, Open Education, Open Educational Resources, Open Learning

Co-creation of knowledge using mobile technologies and digital media as pedagogical devices in undergraduate STEM education

Digital media assignments are a widely used method of assessing student learning in higher education. Despite their common use, the literature on digital media assignments has many gaps regarding theoretical frameworks to guide their design, implementation and evaluation. This research paper focuses on student attitudes towards the use of mobile technology and digital media assignments […]

May 16, 2020 | Collaborative Learning, Daily News, Digital Media, Higher Education, Instructional Design, K-12

Who can benefit from augmented reality in chemistry? Sex differences in solving stereochemistry problems using augmented reality

This paper is about augmented reality (AR) and its potentials to support students in handling scientific representations. For this purpose, first representations are examined from a science educational and instructional psychology perspective. After giving a short overview of AR in general and how it can be delineated from virtual reality (VR), potential advantages of an […]

May 16, 2020 | Augmented Reality, Daily News, Higher Education, K-12, Learners