The Administration of Online Programs in Statewide Systems: A Case Study of The University System of New Hampshire

As enrollments in postsecondary online programs have grown, many institutions have pursued a more centralized business model that consolidates their online programming under a single executive leader, a statewide system office, or a coalition of institutions that have merged operations and assets. In this study, the researchers used an exploratory case study design–using both surveys […]

June 16, 2020 | Daily News, Governance, Higher Education, Management, Policy

Download Report: Evidence on the Validity, Reliability, and Usability of the Measuring and Improving Student-Centered Learning (MISCL) Toolkit

Student-centered learning (SCL) describes various approaches that keep students’ goals, interests, and needs central to the teaching and learning process. Despite the recent proliferation of SCL approaches, researchers and practitioners are still learning about which SCL strategies are most effective for supporting student achievement and how to measure them. This report summarizes a study on […]

June 13, 2020 | Daily News, Higher Education, Instructional Design, K-12, Learners, Learning Design, Learning Ecosystems

What will ‘Back to School’ Look Like this Fall?

Summer is providing temporary relief from educating amid a pandemic. But this fall, communities are going to be stuck between a rock and a hard place. They need to determine how to get students back to school and learning. Districts across the U.S. are currently deciding how best to do that. Three strategies have emerged. […]

June 13, 2020 | Daily News, Governance, Higher Education, K-12, Management, Policy

2nd CT Virtual Summit on Distance Learning to Explore Higher Ed’s New Normal

Now that the initial fires of COVID-19 response have been put out, institutions are faced with a lot of unknowns for the fall semester. Campus Technology is convening campus leaders and ed tech experts to share their ideas and best practices in a second virtual event July 16. Campus Technology

June 13, 2020 | Daily News, Governance, Higher Education, Management

Online Learning Amid Pandemic Sheds Light on Digital Divide

(TNS) — From the rural Southern Tier to the shores of Lake Ontario, nearly 40,000 children across Western New York live in a household without either a computer or high-speed Internet. Center for Digital Education 

June 9, 2020 | Accessibility, Daily News, Digital Media, Governance, K-12

Online Clinical Training in the Virtual Remote Environment: Challenges, Opportunities, and Solutions

This article focuses on the clinical training aspects of a distance counselor education program and highlights what clinical courses look like in an online synchronized classroom. Using three courses as examples, including group counseling, child and adolescent counseling, and practicum and internship, the authors share unique challenges they have encountered and solutions they have adopted […]

June 7, 2020 | Daily News, Higher Education, Online Training

Download Report: COVID-19: Strategies for Online Engagement of Remote Learners

Any crisis in a nation will always leave its impact on education in some way or another. Students’ right to education is threatened at times of crisis as a consequence of natural disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis, cyclones, war, disease outbreak, etc. The COVID-19 outbreak across the globe has forced educational institutions including medical schools to […]

June 7, 2020 | Daily News, Higher Education, Offline Learning, Reports & White Papers, Teaching

Investigating the Usage and Perceptions of Third-Party Online Learning Support Services for Diverse Students

This article will explore usage patterns and perceptions of online learning support among university students. As higher education expands to include increasingly diverse student cohorts, alternative online-supported learning services have gained attention as a mechanism to support student success. However, there is a paucity of research regarding student perceptions and usage patterns for online support […]

June 5, 2020 | Daily News, Higher Education, Learner Support Services

Using Virtual Teams to Map Digital New Generation Learning Environments into Tertiary Online Learning Spaces

The sudden emergence and rapid spread of COVID-19 is a reminder of our frailty, where the magnitude of the impact facing the world as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic has become increasingly apparent. One way that we have effectively responded to this emergency educationally, has to become innovative in our relationship with technology. The […]

June 4, 2020 | Collaborative Learning, Conferencing, Daily News, Higher Education, Instructional Design

Editing for equity: Understanding instructor motivations for integrating cross-disciplinary Wikipedia assignments

Advances in both research and advocacy have demonstrated how Wikipedia-based education, as a movement, has grown exponentially in the last 10 years. As a result, academics know a lot more about specific learning outcomes that Wikipedia assignments might enable and are more familiar with issues of social equity (e.g., systemic biases related to gender) in […]

June 3, 2020 | Daily News, Digital Media, Higher Education, Instructional Design, K-12, Learning Design, Online Learning