Archive for the ‘Instructional Design’ Category

Challenges and contexts in establishing adaptive learning in higher education: findings from a Delphi study

Higher education institutions are increasingly interested in using adaptive learning as an innovative data-driven approach to teaching. The actual use of adaptive learning in courses remains, however, low. This is despite positive attitudes of institutional leaders towards its adoption and promising results of early studies on its effectiveness. This study examines the challenges that prevent […]

6 Models for Blended Synchronous and Asynchronous Online Course Delivery

This article proposes six models of blended online course delivery, ranging from a highly supported faculty-guided model to an independent self-paced model. EDUCAUSE Review

Quality Matters Impact on Student Outcomes in an Online Program

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of courses redesigned using Quality Matters (QM) on student learning in an online program at a large university in the southeastern United States. The QM Rubric for course design is widely used in higher education. However, research about its use in nursing education is understudied. […]

Building Virtual Bridges: Engaging Online Learners Through an Interactive Webinar Series

This research presents findings of a College of Education Pilot Webinar Series designed to promote online students’ engagement with classmates, faculty presenters, and the university. Student attendees participated in a pilot webinar series that included active discussions and options to synchronously communicate and engage with others. Findings suggest that student attendees increased their sense of […]

Download Report: Remote to Hybrid Learning: A Position Paper on a Paradigm Shift for Education

The fallout from COVID-19, continuing advances in digital technology, and intensifying pent-up demand for student centered learning have combined to present an unprecedented opportunity to transform education across whole systems. We have been impressed by the tireless action to address the emergency needs of students and families. We are deeply encouraged by the growing desire […]

Presenting a Validated Mid-Semester Evaluation of College Teaching to Improve Online Teaching

Formative feedback from students can help college instructors improve their online teaching practices – especially instructors who are new to online teaching. Prior research indicates that mid-semester formative evaluations of college teaching are a promising, low-cost solution to providing online instructors with in-the-moment feedback. However, existing instruments suffer from issues of validity and bias, and […]

Practices and Discourses of Academics: Local Lessons to Address the Digital Shift in Academic Management

Since the 1980s, accountability, performance measurement and competitiveness have been implemented in universities globally. It is the management logic known as New Public Management (NPM). But the NPM in contemporary academia is not understood without attending to the emergence of digital management devices and platforms (DMDs). It is the combination of both events that we […]

Creating Better Definitions of Distance Education

Distance education across all levels of education is growing at a rapid rate. As institutions and governments attempt to guide distance education, working definitions and their meanings conflict. Perhaps this is in part because administrators and practitioners are working from definitions that are decades-old. This paper suggests new definitions are needed to help guide and […]

Preview webinars

In these times of lockdown due to the Coronavirus COVID-19, face-to-face educational functions and activities are being moved online, using remote working sites and tools. Many of us are struggling with the adjustment to working and teaching online, especially those who have always taught in a traditional classroom and are now being asked to rapidly regroup […]

How did we get here? A brief history of competency‐based higher education in the United States

Background Competency‐based education (CBE ) programs have spread briskly in higher education over the past several years and their trajectory continues to rise. In light of the spread of competency‐based models, this article provides a brief history of CBE in the United States. Methods This article is based on a review of the literature of […]