Archive for the ‘Instructional Design’ Category


This is the second report in an ongoing series designed to understand the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on teaching and learning in higher education; it serves as a follow-up to our first report, Time for Class – A National Survey of Faculty During COVID-19, which was released in early July. The current report […]

The effects of a visible-annotation tool for sequential knowledge construction on discourse patterns and collaborative outcomes

This study aimed to explore learners’ discourse patterns and outcomes while using a visible-annotation tool as a collaborative representation tool. The tool used in this study introduced two types of sharing activities before the problem-solving phase to support sequential knowledge construction. Forty participants were randomly assigned to one of three groups according to two variables: […]

Innovators Seek Zoom University 2.0

Frustrated with Zoom’s instructional limitations, developers and entrepreneurs take matters into their own hands. Inside Higher Ed

Three Studies on Augmented Reality

Children’s Augmented Storying in, with and for Nature Drawing on a relational ontology and scholarship of new literacies, we investigate the materiality and performativity of children’s augmented storying in nature. Our study is situated in a Finnish primary school in which a novel, augmented reality application (MyAR Julle) was utilized as a digital storytelling tool […]

Download Report: Revisiting the Potential Uses of Media in Children’s Education

In 1966, Joan Ganz Cooney presented her vision for the show in a report to the Carnegie Corporation of New York. Built on a foundation of research and interviews with cognitive psychologists, educators, and media professionals, “The Potential Uses of Television in Preschool Education” proposed to harness the power of television, still a relatively new […]

Exploring collaboration in online group based assessment contexts: Undergraduate Business Program

Focussing on a specific higher education online learning environment (OLE), this study aims to investigate and analyse instructional designs that employ Positive Interdependence, Individual Accountability, Teaching Presence, Authenticity and Group Skills Development as educational strategies to mitigate group work issues and subsequently encourage collaborative group work. Group work is a challenging learning space for both participants […]

Download Report: Delivering High-Quality Instruction Online in Response to COVID 19: Faculty Playbook

For many in the higher education community, the notion that nearly every educator would all at once be delivering their courses online seemed improbable, if not impossible. But here we are. In just the span of a few weeks, as a result of the rapidly spreading coronavirus, almost every postsecondary institution has either closed or […]

Going digital to enhance the learning of undergraduate students

The aim of this study was to investigate which of three types of video resources, and which additional resources, were preferred by Information Technology (IT) students for learning and exam preparation. We offered three types of video learning resources to support the delivery of a first year undergraduate IT course. We collated quantitative data on […]

A New Pedagogy is Emerging… and Online Learning is a Key Contributing Factor

One and a half billon students around the world, according to UNESCO, were engaged in remote learning at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020. Some students were able to access the Internet to do so, but not all. The majority of students around the world, who have access to smartphones, are able […]

Instructor Prompts and Student Engagement in Synchronous Online Nutrition Classes

The number of online courses in higher education is on the rise. However, empirical evidence elucidating best practices for synchronous online instruction is needed to best implement these courses. The research purposes were to examine synchronous online class sessions to (1) quantify interaction type, frequency, and rate, (2) quantify student engagement frequency, and (3) quantify […]