Archive for the ‘Accreditation’ Category

Seeking a Shared Global Standard for Digital Credentials

For hundreds of years, universities and colleges have issued academic credentials on paper. But what would these credentials look like if they were designed today? This is the question a group of nine universities is looking to answer as part of an ambitious digital credential initiative that aims to create a worldwide standard for issuing, […]

Download Report: 2019 The Changing Landscape of Online Education (CHLOE): Behind the Numbers

2019 The Changing Landscape of Online Education (CHLOE): Behind the Numbers This report is the continuation of a multi-year study by QM and Eduventures to examine the changing landscape of online education, provide results to those who can use them and help those involved with online education place their institution within a broader context and possibly influence strategic decisions […]

Widely Acclaimed but Lowly Utilized: Congruencing ODL Utilization with Its Wide Acclaim

World over, open distance learning (ODL) is widely articulated and vouchered as a panacea pedagogy for increased access and flexibility to higher education. In reality, however, the actual use of ODL approaches in higher institutions of learning in developing regions is unexpectedly low and not in tandem with its wide favorable regional and international vouchering. […]

Education Department Downshifts on Innovation Rule Changes

The Department of Education’s ambitious proposals to revamp regulations around accreditation, pitched as an effort to facilitate educational innovation, drew widespread blowback earlier this year. Yesterday, department officials offered the clearest signals yet that the criticisms have prompted a change in strategy. Timed to coincide with Tuesday’s start of the second of three rounds of […]

Overhauling Rules for Higher Ed

The Education Department’s proposals for upcoming negotiated rule-making process would narrow the responsibilities of accreditors and modify federal definitions for credit hour and distance education. Inside Higher Education 


Although the current administration in Washington continues to enthusiastically embrace online learning, in 2019, online learning may face heightened scrutiny. In late November, the U.S. Department of Education released its FY 2019 Annual Plan. Over the coming year, the Department of Education promises to take a closer look at the activities of online program management […]

CBEN’s [Competency‐Based Education Network] quality framework: A case study in its application to CBE curriculum quality standards at Walden University

This report explored enriched notions and dimensions of quality massive open online courses (QMOOCs). The purpose of this paper is to visualize the quality measures adjacent to MOOCs and understanding distinctive outlooks to approaching them. It was also of interests to envisage how and in what routines those notions and dimensions interrelated. The Journal of […]

New Life for ACICS [Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools]

Trump administration recommends restoring the controversial accreditor of many for-profits, citing a federal court ruling. Meanwhile, ACICS faces questions about its approval of a Danish business school’s degree programs. Inside Higher Ed

Quality Control Versus Academic Freedom: Walk the line

Colleges and universities incorporate online education using a variety of approaches. For some, there is little oversight applied to course design; faculty members enjoy free reign to engineer course structure as they wish within a college’s learning management system. At other institutions, instructors manage pre-written courses and serve only to grade assignments and answer student […]

Scaling Up While Maintaining Quality in Online Degree Development

Lower enrollments in the freshman class are forcing institutions to make decisions about how to scale the processes for creating distance learning degrees. However, the scaling up in the migration of face-to-face degrees to online degrees does not need to sacrifice quality. This paper describes the processes used to accelerate the development of online degree […]