Virtual Schools and E-Learning in K-12 Environments: Emerging Policy and Practice. Policy Issues, Issue 11.
In response to these needs, this edition of “Policy Issues” aims to: summarize the critical e-learning issues related to education policy; provide an overview of what works, based on recent research and program assessment; and offer policy recommendations to support decision makers and policy leaders charged with the investigation and deployment of online courses and Internet-based learning environments in K-12 schools and school districts. Discussion includes online courses and virtual high schools; publications on e-learning policy and practice; definitions that offer points of reference for comparing some of the most important concepts of online learning; e-Learning policy implications for K-12 educators and decision makers; America’s first public virtual high school, findings from an evaluation of students in the Virtual High School’s third year that examined students’ participation in and satisfaction with online courses; and findings and recommendations from NCREL’s (North Central Regional Educational Laboratory’s) Research on Virtual Learning Issues and Priorities. (Contains 18 references.) (AEF)