Using videoconferencing mediated mentoring to support an adjunct faculty
Mentoring is an effective way to orient new employees to an organization’s work climate. Many colleges operating in multiple locations and providing programs for working adults through evening classes rely on the expertise of adjunct faculty to provide instructional methods. The research literature about mentoring in a higher education context mainly focuses on mentoring full time faculty members. Therefore, this case study is believed to address the gap as it focuses on understanding the mentoring of adjunct faculty. The researchers of the present study believe that utilizing videoconferencing as a tool to mentor new adjunct faculty could be beneficial in the context of any college serving in multiple sites. The purpose of the study is to (a) to determine if videoconferencing is an effective tool in mentoring adjunct faculty, and (b) to determine if videoconferencing mediated mentoring (VMM) is effective for full time faculty in disseminating the strategies and skills to qualified adjunct faculty. VMM implemented in the study includes essential segments – pre-course professional development section, interim course hands-on training and support section, and the post course section to evaluate findings. Data analysis through mentor and mentee logs and surveys proved that VMM is a valuable medium to utilize for training purposes. This type of technology provides a platform for the full time faculty member to build a professional relationship and share the standard of excellence for a given field of study to new adjunct faculty member.
Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology