The NASA Television Education File schedule for June 2003
The NASA Television Education File schedule for June 2003 is available on NASA Spacelink at the following Internet address:
As this year’s hurricane season rolls in, with its unpredictable series of storms, it has the potential to affect everyone. During the week of
June 9 through June 13, NASA will take a closer look at our planet’s ever-changing weather conditions by showcasing videos about weather on
NASA TV. Multimedia products and web resources related to this theme are available from Spacelink Extra at the following location:
Next Month’s Theme: Microgravity
The Education File may be preempted by other events. If you plan to use program content in your classroom or any situation where program
interruption would cause a problem, we suggest you capture programming on video tape prior to scheduling your use of it. There is also information from the Central Operation of Resources for Educators (CORE) website on how to order copies of some of the programs shown over NASA TV.
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