The Changing Pedagogical Landscape: In Search of Patters in Policies and Practices of New Modes of Teaching and Learning

October 2, 2018

The cases in this study reveal numerous positive incentives for stimulating innovation in education. Next to an institutional strategy plan on education and leadership for an innovative climate, the development of expertise on blended teaching and learning within the institutions and the continuous development of staff are seen as essential incentives.

The examples of various European countries illustrate that most universities support teachers’ digital,educational and technological competences. Dedicated teaching and learning support services play a pivotal role in the support structures. In many universities, the support structure has a strong technological and digital competence component and is organised around the central virtual learning environment. The case studies in this study show an increased interest in the pedagogical and organisational competences related to blended and online learning and teaching. The training of staff and support structures is frequently organised at an institutional level. Some support structures for new modes of teaching and learning are even organised at cross-institutional level.

European Association of Distance Teaching Universities