Posts Tagged ‘Software Systems’

Public Libraries Add Multimedia Learning to Digital Mission

Gone are the days of just dusty book spines and the sounds of silence. Throughout the country, public libraries are extending their mission beyond loaner books and resources: They’re providing opportunities for students to engage in digital learning opportunities aimed at making them college- and career-ready, often in partnership with schools. Education Week Full Article

Digital Scholarship Lab

The Digital Scholarship Lab develops innovative digital humanities projects that contribute to research and teaching at and beyond the University of Richmond. It seeks to reach a wide audience by developing projects that integrate thoughtful interpretation in the humanities and social sciences with innovations in new media. Digital Scholarship Lab

Open access reaches tipping point in sciences – Study

More academic papers are now available for free than in paid-for peer-reviewed journals in many scientific fields, according to a study released last Wednesday by the European Commission’s directorate general for research and innovation. University World News Full Article

Online and Campus College Students Like Using an Open Educational Resource Instead of a Traditional Textbook

There has been little research on student use and perception of open educational resources that are used to replace traditional textbooks/e-textbooks. The creation of the Kansas State University Human Nutrition Flexbook, and online and campus students’ perceptions and usage of the flexbook, have been reported previously based survey results from a single semester. Results from […]

Google Begins Selling Textbooks Through Play Store

With little fanfare, Google began offering electronic textbooks for rent or purchase on its Google Play store on Friday. Included will be books from some of the largest academic-text publishers, including Pearson, Macmillan Higher Education, and Wiley, among others. Wired Campus Full Article

Google Begins Selling Textbooks Through Play Store

With little fanfare, Google began offering electronic textbooks for rent or purchase on its Google Play store on Friday. Included will be books from some of the largest academic-text publishers, including Pearson, Macmillan Higher Education, and Wiley, among others. Wired Campus Full Article

No More Double-Spending

College students likely spend hundreds of thousands of dollars extra per year on buying rights for digital versions of readings to which they have free access. Inside Higher Ed Full Article

Open Access Gains Major Support in U. of California’s Systemwide Move

After years of discussion, the University of California’s Academic Senate has adopted an open-access policy that will make research articles freely available to the public through eScholarship, California’s open digital repository. The Chronicle of Higher Education Full Article

Virtual 3-D Desktop Targets Medicine, Education

Using a stylus to pull objects out of screens into the air in front of them, users can rotate objects and perform various spatial tasks. Government Technology Full Article

Udacity cofounder and CEO Sebastian Thrun says more AI is coming to online education, but we’ll still need humans to grade our English essays

Sebastian Thrun has worn many hats in the tech world: Stanford research professor, founder of Google’s X Labs, where he oversaw the development of self-driving cars and Google Glass, and, most recently, passionate advocate for MOOCs—or massive open online courses—through Udacity, the online education startup he cofounded and runs (see “The Most Important Education Technology […]