Posts Tagged ‘Software Systems’

Librarians, Distributors Weigh in on Macmillan Ebook Lending

Ebook distribution to libraries took another leap forward on October 17 when Baker & Taylor, OverDrive, 3M, and RBDigital (Recorded Books) told their customers that Macmillan’s entire ebook backlist, 11,000 titles from lead imprints St. Martin’s, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Henry Holt, Macmillan Children’s, and Tor, would now be available to their patrons. Library Journal Full […]

Is Acatar It?

Carnegie Mellon University may have found a way to expand its reach in Acatar, a flipped-classroom platform provider that also helps institutions offer for-credit courses online. Early feedback from instructors has so far been positive, but the platform’s faculty-centric promises raise questions about its ability to scale. Inside Higher Ed Full Article

Is Big Data too ‘messy’ for higher education?

The massive collection of data in higher education will never produce a single, infallible formula for success, no matter how much students clamor for such a miracle algorithm. eCampus News Full Article

How school leaders can erase the digital divide

The digital divide–and closing that divide–is now more relevant than ever, as students need digital skills to compete in today’s society. eSchool News Full Article

eLearning Guild Research: What Authoring Tool Do You Want to Buy?

What percentage of your job is authoring or developing eLearning? If you’re anything like the 1,055 respondents of our 2013 Authoring Tools research report, you spend from 10% to 50% of your time developing (authoring) eLearning (Figure 1) and you have been developing eLearning for between a year (or less) and six years. Learning Solutions […]

Quality Assurance in Large Scale Online Course Production

The course design and development process (often referred to here as the “production process”) at ERAU-Worldwide aims to produce turnkey style courses to be taught by a highly-qualified pool of over 800 instructors. Given the high number of online courses and tremendous number of live sections running at any given time, maintaining quality was a […]

The Adoption of Open Educational Resources by One Community College Math Department

The high cost of textbooks is of concern not only to college students but also to society as a whole. Open textbooks promise the same educational benefits as traditional textbooks; however, their efficacy remains largely untested. We report on one community college’s adoption of a collection of open resources across five different mathematics classes. During […]

Deciding Who Sees Students’ Data

WHEN Cynthia Stevenson, the superintendent of Jefferson County, Colo., public schools, heard about a data repository called inBloom, she thought it sounded like a technological fix for one of her bigger headaches. Over the years, the Jeffco school system, as it is known, which lies west of Denver, had invested in a couple of dozen […]

Purdue U. Software Prompts Students to Study—and Graduate

Just when students thought they were finished with Mom and Dad’s nagging them to do their homework, a piece of software has taken the parents’ place. But this new nagging reminder, called Signals, has given students at Purdue University a boost in graduation rates. Wired Campus Full Article

Education Marketplace creates ‘systemized’ content search

From massive open online courses (MOOCs), to open-sourced eTextbooks, to interactive quizzes, it’s now easier than ever before for people to bypass expensive big-name publishers to create their own educational content. eCampus News Full Article