Posts Tagged ‘Software Systems’

Using a Video Game as an Advance Organizer: Effects on Development of Procedural and Conceptual Knowledge, Cognitive Load, and Casual Adoption

This paper reports on a study aimed at investigating whether a video game can act as an advance organizer for teaching a military call for fire task in order to improve learning efficiency. Participants were 23 males and 45 females, randomly assigned to one of four conditions. Conditions were developed by a 2 x 2 […]

Review of Educational Research Methods in Desktop Virtual World Environments: Framing the Past to Provide Future Direction

This article describes educational research methodologies being used in the investigation and evaluation of desktop virtual world environments (DVWEs) as used to teach a variety of subjects in higher education. Ellis’ research framework on innovations (2005) and Reeves and Hedberg’s research goals (2003) were used as lenses to examine the state of educational research methods […]

Embedded Training

“Train as you fight” is the mantra of the most effective training programs. This may be enabled by embedding training tools in the actual weapons, gear, systems and platforms warfighters will use in real combat. Military Training Technology Full Article

Desire2Learn Opens Latin American Regional Headquarters in Sao Paulo, Brazil

Desire2Learn, the EdTech company that created the world’s first Integrated Learning Platform, today announced the opening of D2L Brasil Soluções de Tecnologia para Educação’s new regional headquarters in San Paulo. This office will expand the company’s operations in the Latin American region and further Desire2Learn’s mission to support lifelong learning in international markets. Desire2Learn Press […]

Millenials: Get Your Idea For a Company Off the Ground with StudentStart.IT

I have been running into the same scenario a lot recently: I interview a millenial startup founder and immediately feel like I have done nothing with my life. Take Christina Nanfeldt. She is majoring in Entrepreneurship at George Washington University (GW), and because the school doesn’t actually have a major for it, she has created […]

10 vetted resources for education apps

Getting the best apps for your students means using resources that vet apps specifically for learning eSchool News Full Article    

Exploratory study of multi-criteria recommendation algorithms over technology enhanced learning datasets

Results of previous studies have indicated that the performance of recommendation algorithms depends on the characteristics of the application context. The same algorithms have shown to be performing in totally different ways when a new or evolved data set is considered, thus leading to a need for continuous monitoring of how they operate in a […]

Layered Evaluation in Recommender Systems: A Retrospective Assessment

Evaluation of recommender systems has only lately started to become more systematic, since the emphasis has long been on the experimental evaluation of algorithmic performance. Recent studies have proposed adopting a layered evaluation approach, according to which recommender systems may be decomposed into several components, evaluating each of them separately. Nevertheless, there are still no […]

Learning Analytics: Readiness and Rewards

This paper introduces the relatively new field of learning analytics, first by considering the relevant meanings of both “learning” and “analytics,” and then by looking at two main levels at which learning analytics can be or has been implemented in educational organizations. Although turnkey systems or modules are not yet available for review, specific technologies […]

Digital Humanities in Demand

CHICAGO — Have the digital humanities gone mainstream? Sessions on the role of technology in humanities scholarship at the Modern Language Association’s annual meeting last week may have made up less than 10 percent of the conference’s overall schedule (and almost everything seemed overwhelmed by the tumult over the Israel censure vote), but speakers and attendees […]