Posts Tagged ‘Software Systems’

Open Education Resources: The New Paradigm in Academic Libraries

Academic library budgets are contracting while library usage is increasing. How can academic libraries best help campuses reduce costs and better serve their communities? One strategy is collecting campus-created content online and making it available through the campus Institutional Repository. All faculty, including tenure track and adjuncts, at California State University San Marcos were invited […]

An Ontology-based Profile for Learner Representation in Learning Networks

In the context of lifelong learning, learning networks are emerged as alternative and feasible integrated models that merge pedagogical, organizational, and technological perspectives to support and promote the provision of lifelong learning opportunities. Among the significant issues that arise when setting up a learning network is the question of how to support communication between repositories […]

How To Design a Mobile Application to Enhance Teaching and Learning?

The rapid growth of mobile devices, especially smart phones, has changed the way instructors deliver instructions and students learn class materials. Many universities initiate promoting economic transformation by working to eliminate barriers to educational attainment through incorporating new technologies to enhance the delivery of instructions and student learning outcomes. The purpose of this research is […]

Selecting a Learning Management System: Advice from an Academic Perspective

Although faculty and students are the primary learning management system users, administrators and IT experts often select the system. This article stresses the importance of involving all stakeholders in the selection process, offers a step-by-step guide to LMS selection, and enables readers to develop a customized list of LMS features that align with their institution’s […]

Digital Public Library of America Celebrates Its Birthday

Like most youngsters, the Digital Public Library of America has been growing fast. Officially a year old, it now encompasses more than seven million items, three times what it started with 12 months ago. Wired Campus Full Article

A Digital Badge Initiative in First-Year Writing Courses

This coming fall, Coastal Carolina University in Conway, SC will be rolling out a unique curricular initiative throughout its English Department that administers digital badges to students who demonstrate mastery in the critical skills outlined in first-year writing courses. Denise Paster, assistant professor and coordinator of composition, and Alan Reid, teaching associate, have designed an […]

Predictors of perceived importance and acceptance of digital delivery modes in higher education

Teaching and assessment in higher education institutions are increasingly supported by digital tools and services. Students, however, perceive and value the importance of such e-learning offerings in very diverse ways. The goal of this article is to examine which predictors significantly influence students’ perceptions of the value of digital learning formats. Based on Küpper’s acceptance […]

8 surprising facts about undergrads and ed-tech

It’s not every day, after scouring headlines from dozens of news sources, that news—especially education technology news—can surprise a seasoned education writer; but in recent research provided by EDUCAUSE, as well as a spiffy new infographic, many details on how undergraduate students are using ed-tech are fascinating…in that they’re not always as ‘cutting-edge’ as some […]

Top-Ten IT Issues, 2014: Be the Change You See

EDUCAUSE presents the top-ten IT issues facing higher education institutions. Many of these issues are not new. But in 2014 the ideas, solutions, and models that have been accumulating in higher education and technology will hit IT organizations—and the institutions they serve—fast and hard. This is the year that the front part of the herd […]

Universities now have a shiny, new campus publishing platform

Edublogs, one of the most popular WordPress-based blogging resources for K-12, has just announced Campus Press, an entirely different online platform designed specifically for colleges and universities. eCampus News Full Article