Posts Tagged ‘Software Systems’

Apple Watch: Coming to a Classroom Near You?

Wearable technology has entered the mainstream. The Apple Watch, announced on Tuesday, ushers in the possibility that, one day soon, campuses across the country will contend with students who are literally attached to their gadgets. Wired Campus Full Article

Collaborative That Once Criticized Software Companies Becomes One

Ten years ago, a group of universities started a collaborative software project touted as an alternative to commercial software companies, which were criticized as too costly. On Friday the project’s leaders made a surprising announcement: that it would essentially become a commercial entity. Wired Campus Full Article

E-Textbook Dissatisfaction Grows as Students Progress Through School

Anybody who says Facebook has totally lost the college crowd is misinformed. College students spend an average of 7.6 hours on that social networking site every week, compared to just under five hours on YouTube and three hours each on Twitter and Instagram. Campus Technology Full Article

Google Rolls Out Free LMS for Apps for Education

Google’s free learning management system, Google Classroom, is now in full release and is being made available today to all Apps for Education customers. The service had been in limited preview since May. During that time, according to Google Apps for Education Product Manager Zach Yeskel, more than 100,000 educators applied to be a part […]


Watch the Presentations: MIT Technology Review Digital Summit

The MIT Technology Review Digital Summit examines tomorrow’s digital technologies and explains their global impact on both business and society. You’ll get insider access to the innovative people and companies at the heart of the next wave of the digital revolution. MIT Technology Review Watch the video of presentations

StoryScape from MIT Media Lab: Create Stories Together

Writing a storybook has never been easier! Access StoryScape

Librarians, Media React to Launch of Kindle Unlimited

In a long-expected move, Amazon on July 18 announced the launch of Kindle Unlimited, a new subscription service that will give users unlimited access to a selection of 600,000 ebooks and more than 2,000 audiobooks on Amazon Kindle devices and any device with a Kindle app for $9.99 per month. Amazon is not first to […]

SIMULACRE: A proposal for practical training in e-learning environments

This article describes an educational innovation project called SIMULACRE, funded by the Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Open University of Catalonia, UOC) through a grant awarded under APLICA 2011. This project focuses on the design, development, implementation and evaluation of a new methodology for practical […]

The Post-LMS LMS

Blackboard has Learn, Instructure has Canvas, and now, Desire2Learn has Brightspace. With Desire2Learn’s announcement, the three leading learning management system providers have all finally put a name to their products, but analysts say vendors may be on the verge of tearing down those silos in favor of an open ecosystem. Inside Higher Ed Full Article

The IT Service Organization for a Post-Enterprise World

The technology-service marketplace is increasingly focused either below the enterprise (on the consumer) or above the enterprise (on the cloud). In the space between the consumer and the cloud, the post-enterprise IT organization can make key contributions, channeling technical possibilities in service to the institutional mission. EDUCAUSE Full Story