Posts Tagged ‘Software Systems’

Methodological Issues in Mobile Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (mCSCL): What Methods, What to Measure and When to Measure?

This study aims to investigate (1) methods utilized in mobile computer-supported collaborative learning (mCSCL) research which focuses on studying, learning and collaboration mediated by mobile devices; (2) whether these methods have examined mCSCL effectively; (3) when the methods are administered; and (4) what methodological issues exist in mCSCL studies. It attempts to bring to light […]

Remediation of print: On the current restructuration of higher education

The educational establishment was built and structured on a communication pattern at the core of the Gutenberg Galaxy that combines the spoken word with printed and handwritten resources. The current digitization of text is a pacesetter for retooling the workplace in the “industries of signs”, for replacing skills on a broad scale and for developing […]

A Scalable and Sustainable Approach to Open Access

Funded by tertiary institutions rather than individual researchers, this new model seeks to provide open access not just to traditional academic publications but to all forms of scholarly output. EDUCAUSE Full Article  

How Southern New Hampshire U Develops 650-Plus Online Courses Per Year

In the past two years, Southern New Hampshire University has increased its online course offerings by 67 percent and more than tripled its enrollment, making it the fastest growing not-for-profit online educator in the country. Just how has SNHU managed to create so many new programs and courses and hire enough instructors to deliver them? […]

Diving into Lake Devo: Modes of representation and means of interaction and reflection in online role-play

This paper outlines an action research project involving the development of an educational online role-playing website, known as Lake Devo. Designed in keeping with constructivist principles, the website is used in select post-secondary courses at Ryerson University and allows learners to work synchronously, using visual, audio, and text elements to create avatars and interact in […]


Coding with the kindergarten crowd

Introducing coding to kindergarten students helps them reflect on their own learning as they develop 21st-century skills such as problem solving and creativity, experts say. eSchool News Full Article

Learners’ views regarding the use of social networking sites in distance learning

In this study, it was aimed to examine the use of learning management systems supported by social networking sites in distance education and to determine the views of learners regarding these platforms. The study group of this study, which uses a qualitative research approach, consists of 15 undergraduate students who resumed their education in Turkey. […]

New PBS Documentary Reveals the Untold Story of the U.S. Navy SEALs

UPDATED: ARLINGTON, VA; OCTOBER 8, 2014 — PBS will premiere a new documentary about the history of the Navy SEALs. Narrated by actor and humanitarian Gary Sinise, NAVY SEALS – THEIR UNTOLD STORY premieres on Veterans Day, Tuesday, November 11, 2014, 9:00-11:00 p.m. ET. Despite the widespread attention paid to the SEALs (Sea, Air and Land) since […]

Student Teachers’ Attitude towards Twitter for Educational Aims

This paper presents an educational experience with 100 student teachers from different courses of the University of the Balearic Islands (Spain) in which Twitter is used for various different activities. The aim of this experiment was to explore student teachers’ perceptions in order to value their attitude towards Twitter for educational aims. Afterwards, students were […]

Where Does the LMS Go From Here?

Faculty members and students want their future learning management systems to be customizable and full of features, but a new study finds they still use the systems’ basic functions most often. Inside Higher Education Full Article