Posts Tagged ‘Software Systems’

Alexandria – A Virtual Repository of Knowledge

Virtual worlds are development platforms, similar to sandbox games where users are able to interact with each other with no predefined goal. Due to immersive visual feedback, these platforms have been successfully used in the past to create lesson plans and materials used for undergraduate and, graduate education as well as for  and recreation. To […]

Augmented Reality Environments in Learning, Communicational and Professional Contexts in Higher Education

This paper explores educational and professional uses of augmented learning environment concerned with issues of training and entertainment.We analyze the state-of-art research of some scenarios based on augmented reality. Some examples for the purpose of education and simulation are described. These applications show that augmented reality can be means of enhancing, motivating and stimulating learners’ […]

BYU-Idaho Supports Online Learning with Automated Video Transcoding

Brigham Young University-Idaho has automated the process of converting videos created by professors into formats required for online viewing, and the system has processed more than 13,000 video assets in the last year and a half. Campus Technology

Open informational ecosystems: The missing link for sharing resources for education

Open educational resources are not available “as such”. Their provision relies on a technological infrastructure of related services that can be described as an informational ecosystem. A closed informational ecosystem keeps educational resources within its boundary. An open informational ecosystem relies on the concurrence of independent stakeholders that jointly provide (meta-) information also beyond its […]

A bibliometric mapping of open educational resources

Open educational resources (OER) is a topic that has aroused increasing interest by researchers as a powerful contribution to improve the educational system quality and openness, both in face to face and distance education. The goal of this research is to map publications related to OER, dating from 2002 to 2013, and available through the […]

Aesthetic Literacy: Observable Phenomena and Pedagogical Applications for Mobile Lifelong Learning (mLLL)

This paper proposed a method for developing capacity for lifelong learning in open spaces, defined here as places without predefined learning structures or objectives, through the cultivation of aesthetic literacy. This discussion will be situated within fieldwork performed by the authors in Helsinki, Finland, and Tallinn, Estonia, in 2013. Based on the researchers’ experience in […]

Better how-to videos: System recruits learners to annotate videos, increasing their educational value

Educational researchers have long held that presenting students with clear outlines of the material covered in lectures improves their retention. MIT News

Big changes for education in the Big Apple

As a native New Yorker, I take special pride in the announcement made today by City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito during her State of the City address. Today, 1.1 million students in the New York City Public Schools are taking a significant step forward in their educations and will now have free access to the […]

Knowledge Enriched Learning by Converging Knowledge Object & Learning Object

The most important dimension of learning is the content, and an LMS suffices this to a certain extent. The present day LMS are designed to primarily address issues like ease of use, search, content and performance. Many surveys had been conducted to identify the essential features required for the improvement of LMS, which includes flexibility […]

The Pulse: Jay Bhatt of Blackboard

  This month’s edition of The Pulse podcast features the second part of a two-part interview with Jay Bhatt, the chief executive officer of Blackboard. Inside Higher Ed