Posts Tagged ‘Software Systems’


Researchers Open Repository for ‘Dark Data’

Wired CampusResearchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill are leading an effort to create a one-stop shop for data sets that would otherwise be lost to the public after the papers they were produced for are published. Wired Campus

Latest Microsoft Garage releases break new ground for do-it-yourselfers, note takers and more

Dan Marshall may be a software programmer in his day job, but he also likes using technology to make things that he can hold in his hands. Every creation starts with a sketch. And to make getting his ideas off the ground easier, this maker has crafted a JavaScript software library called Maker.js. For do-it-yourselfers, […]

New trends in course materials aim to help Millennials

A new report reveals that the cost of student course materials are down thanks to flexible price comparison technology, as well as other student spending behaviors. eCampus News

Ed Tech’s Funding Frenzy

With $2.51 billion invested in educational-technology companies during the first half of 2015, investors continue to defy fears that interest in the sector is waning. Yet analysts say the staggering figure distracts from what and who isn’t being funded. Inside Higher Ed

Developing a $10 Digital Textbook

Purdue University is reducing textbook costs with a digital publishing platform that can deliver interactive content to any device Campus Technology

Zaption: A Platform to Support Teaching, and Learning about Teaching, with Video

Digital video has exploded on the web, and many assume it will play a major role in education in the future. Just watching a video, however, does not necessarily lead to learning. Realizing the potential of video for learning will require new technologies that make video interactive, engage learners, and enable video to be embedded […]

Exploring the effect of materials designed with augmented reality on language learners’ vocabulary learning

The purpose of this study was to determine the motivational level of the participants in a language classroom towards course materials designed in accordance with augmented reality technology and to identify the correlation between academic achievement and motivational level. 130 undergraduate students from a state-run university in Turkey participated in this study and Turkish version […]

Google chemtrails: A methodology to analyze topic representation in search engine results

Search engine results influence the visibility of different viewpoints in political, cultural, and scientific debates. Treating search engines as editorial products with intrinsic biases can help understand the structure of information flows in new media. This paper outlines an empirical methodology to analyze the representation of topics in search engines, reducing the spatial and temporal […]

Beyond Active Learning: Transformation of the Learning Space

The next generation of learning spaces will take all the characteristics of an active learning environment—flexibility, collaboration, team-based, project-based—and add the capability of creating and making. EDUCAUSE

Using NetLogo as a tool to encourage scientific thinking across disciplines

In this article we discuss the possible uses of NetLogo as an educational tool for High School and early-years undergraduate students. The paper is geared towards teachers from all disciplines that require students to problem solve, be quantitative and logical but want a project orientated platform to build or reinforce knowledge. The goal is to […]