Posts Tagged ‘Software Systems’

Social Media Usage: 2005-2015

Nearly two-thirds of American adults (65%) use social networking sites, up from 7% when Pew Research Center began systematically tracking social media usage in 2005. Pew Research reports have documented in great detail how the rise of social media has affected such things as work, politics and political deliberation, communications patterns around the globe, as […]

Practical Video Production for eLearning: Do It Right!

“Practical video because we have to be practical. Frequently, we have to rush because we don’t have the time in our budgets to get things done the way we should or want. But we can be practical and still make great video. The more you do it, the better you’ll get at it.” Learning Solutions […]

Perceptions of Online Learning Spaces and Their Incorporation in Mathematics Teacher Education

While digital environments can offer convenient, viable options for preservice and inservice teachers to engage in or continue their studies, little is known about teachers’ experiences with and perceptions of various existing online learning spaces. This paper describes an initial investigation using data from a group of preservice and in-service mathematics teachers who interacted by […]

Use of social networking sites: Facebook group as a learning management system

Social networking sites (SNSs) are becoming popular day by day in academia as well as in business organizations around the world. Facebook as the largest and fastest networking sites, is one of the important SNSs that can play an important role in different academic disciplines. The aim of this study is to investigate the use […]

Mobile Journaling App Helps Students Document Field Learning

Tying together timelines, note-taking, geolocation and multimedia, The Traveler provides a cutting-edge mobile journaling experience for students working in the field, starting with the ability to record and visualize their pathways. Campus Technology

Beginning the Fourth Decade of the “IT Revolution” in Higher Education: Plus Ça Change

January 24, 1984, will be remembered in the technology world and elsewhere as the day that Apple launched the Macintosh computer. In the crowded Flint Center at De Anza College, a community college across the street from the Apple campus in Cupertino, California, Steve Jobs pulled a beige computer out of a gray travel bag […]

Preservice Teachers’ Microblogging: Professional Development via Twitter

Twitter has demonstrated potential to facilitate learning at the university level, and K-12 educators’ use of the microblogging service Twitter to facilitate professional development appears to be on the rise. Research on microblogging as a part of teacher education is, however, limited. This paper investigates the use of Twitter by preservice teachers (N = 20) in […]

Expanding The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to Examine Faculty Use of Learning Management Systems (LMSs) In Higher Education Institutions

  Universities have made a considerable investment in the use of Learning Management Systems (LMSs) to facilitate their teaching learning processes; however these systems are not used by the faculty members to their fullest capabilities. To address this issue, this study investigated factors that affect faculty members’ LMSs usage behavior, focusing on user related variables […]


FOLD is a reading, authoring, and publishing platform allowing storytellers to structure and contextualize stories. FOLD is built with love at the MIT Media Lab with support from the Center for Civic Media. MIT Media Lab

Exploring High-End Visualization for Research and Education

Georgia State University created a technology-rich visualization space that supports research and instruction and explores the transformative potential of visual media across all disciplines. Campus Technology