Posts Tagged ‘Software Systems’

Download Report: New OECD Publication: Open Educational Resources: A Catalyst for Innovation

Open Educational Resources: A Catalyst for Innovation Education is the key to economic, social and environmental progress, and governments around the world are looking to improve their education systems. The future of education in the 21st century is not simply about reaching more people, but about improving the quality and diversity of educational opportunities. How […]

Old School, New Tech

After spending millions on laptops and tablets for all students and upgrading its network infrastructure, Moravian College explores how it can use those investments to “redefine the classroom.” Inside Higher Ed

Mainstreaming Open Textbooks: Educator Perspectives on the Impact of OpenStax College open textbooks

This paper presents the results of collaborative research between OpenStax College, who have published 16 open textbooks to date, and the OER Research Hub, a Hewlett funded open research project examining the impact of open educational resources (OER) on learning and teaching.  The paper focuses primarily on the results of two surveys that were conducted […]

Special Collection: Ideas in Mobile Learning

Contributions offer a combination of conceptual, critical, design, empirical, theoretical or experimental work that addresses at least one of the following three trends of mobile learning state-of-the-art research: • New patterns of connected social learning and work-based practices • Learning Design for ‘mobile learning’ at scale. Journal of Interactive Media in Education 

The effect of students’ perceptions of Internet information quality on their use of Internet information in inquiry-based learning

In Web 2.0 environments, the quality of published information can vary significantly and much of the information on the Internet is unproven. This unverified information hinders rather than facilitates student learning, especially among undergraduate students who depend heavily on Internet resources for their studies. Currently, we do not have clear understanding of how students assess […]

Making connections: technological interventions to support students in using, and tutors in creating, assessment feedback

This paper explores the potential of technology to enhance the assessment and feedback process for both staff and students. The ‘Making Connections’ project aimed to better understand the connections that students make between the feedback that they receive and future assignments, and explored whether technology can help them in this activity. The project interviewed 10 […]

Brightspace Autumn15 Unlocks Analytics in the Classroom

D2L’s Brightspace is the first LMS to gather student data from across the learning ecosystem–including mobile apps and devices, games, and video–and deliver that intelligence so teachers can act in real-time Desire2Learn

Affordable Learning at Scale With OER

Open educational resources free students and faculty from the tyranny of the textbook. Here’s how to encourage large-scale adoption. Campus Technology  

Getting a “quick fix”: First-year college students’ use of Wikipedia

College students use Wikipedia frequently, despite educators’ highly divided opinions about it, and so it is important to understand how and why they are using it. This study followed a first-year class of undergraduate, liberal arts students over the course of their first semester to see how they used, were influenced about, and rated Wikipedia. […]

‘Double-Dipping’ With MOOCs

As massive open online course providers specialize in disciplines and delivery modes, universities are looking for new opportunities to experiment. The trend appears to be benefiting edX. Inside Higher Ed