Posts Tagged ‘Software Systems’

Can Computers Foster Human Users’ Creativity? Theory and Praxis of Mixed-Initiative Co-Creativity

This article discusses the impact of artificially intelligent computers to the process of design, play and educational activities. A computational process which has the necessary intelligence and creativity to take a proactive role in such activities can not only support human creativity but also foster it and prompt lateral thinking. The argument is made both […]

The Unpredictability of Predictive Analytics 2.0

If I were into scrying (the art of predicting the future by gazing into a crystal ball), I would prophesy that EDUCAUSE Review readers will have two equal and opposite reactions on seeing an issue devoted to predictive analytics. The first reaction might be: “Are we still talking about how to use predictive analytics?” And the second reaction might […]

Visual expert to lead USC institute’s graphics lab

Hao Li, an assistant professor of computer science at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering and holder of an Early Career Chair, will take the helm at the USC Institute for Creative Technologies Graphics Laboratory. University of Southern California

Canvas as OU’s replacement learning management system receives mixed reviews

Canvas will fully overtake Desire2Learn as OU’s learning management system in the summer of 2017, but the transition toward it has begun. OUDAILY 

Video Captions for Online Courses: Do YouTube’s Auto-generated Captions Meet Deaf Students’ Needs?

Providing captions for videos used in online courses is an area of interest for institutions of higher education. There are legal and ethical ramifications as well as time constraints to consider. Captioning tools are available, but some universities rely on the auto-generated YouTube captions. This study looked at a particular type of video—the weekly informal […]

Predictive Analytics: Nudging, Shoving, and Smacking Behaviors in Higher Education

With predictive analytics, colleges and universities are able to “nudge” individuals toward making better decisions and exercising rational behavior to enhance their probabilities of success. EDUCAUSE Review

Six decisions to make when designing software training.

A new expense reimbursement system, an update to your web conferencing platform, a new version of Microsoft Office: If you are designing training for software systems, you have special considerations over what you’d have when creating policy, product knowledge, or business skills training. If your software rollout plan includes creating self-paced e-learning, here are six […]

eLife reveals publication costs to spark debate on journal prices

Life sciences journal spends just over £3,000 per article, and has challenged high-profile rivals to release details of their costs Times Higher Education 

Will Virtual Reality Solve Your Real-world Problem?

“VR isn’t the solution for all the performance needs in your organization—no one particular approach ever is. However, it is becoming an attainable and practical solution that can now be put into the mix when the need warrants it.” Learning Solutions Magazine

Popular MITx philosophy MOOC introduces instructor grading

If one of the core philosophies of online learning is to democratize education, then a new verified certificate option for a philosophy course on MITx on edX — the massive open online courses (MOOCs) offered by the Institute — brings the concept full circle. MIT