Posts Tagged ‘Software Systems’

The Web as a Creative Thinking Partner

The web forever changes how and when information is accessed and mobilized for use. Ubiquitous mobile devices provide a near infinite database of both hard and soft resources for consumption in schools, at work, and beyond. Anyone with basic search skills can find the same information as their fellow students and workplace colleagues. eLearn Magazine

Evaluation of Virtual Objects: Contributions for the Learning Process

The constant technological development in education, and the potentiality of the resources offered by Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), are challenges faced by teaching institutions in Brazil, especially by those institutions, which by the very nature of their services intend to provide distance education courses. In such a scene, one sees the use of technology […]

Maintaining Momentum Toward Graduation: OER and the Course Throughput Rate

Open Educational Resources (OER) have the potential to replace traditional textbooks in higher education.  Previous studies indicate that use of OER results in high student and faculty satisfaction, lower costs, and similar or better educational outcomes. In this case study, we compared students using traditional textbooks with those using OER at Tidewater Community College to compare […]

6 Dimensions for More Effective Online Instructional Videos

Quality instructional videos require a balance of content, design, teaching style and more. Here are six factors to consider. Campus Technology

Web Science

Nothing like the Web has ever happened in all of human history. The scale of its impact and the rate of its adoption are unparalleled. This is a great opportunity as well as an obligation. If we are to ensure the Web benefits the human race we must first do our best to understand it. […]

Software as a Service Shakes Up Asset Management

The rise of Software as a Service has changed the way college and university IT teams handle user and software management. EdTech

The Forms and Functions of Teaching and Learning Innovations on Blackboard; Substantial or Superficial?

This study is an Information and Computer Technology evaluation of the Blackboard Learning Management System into teaching and learning at an institution of higher education in South Africa. In view of the institution’s objective of developing a context-driven, transformative, and innovative teaching and learning practices involving the integration of technology, the study sought to classify and evaluate the […]

Learning and Digital Environment of Dance – The Case of Greek Traditional Dance in YouTube

The incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in education has changed the educational procedures through the creation and use of new teaching and learning environments with the use of computers and network applications that afford new dimensions to distance education. In turn, these emerging and in progress technologies, render new practices in many fields […]

Motives and tensions in the release of open educational resources: The UKOER program

Open educational resources (OER) have been promoted as a path to universal education, supporting economic development and intercultural dialogue. However, to realise these benefits requires greater understanding of the factors that influence both OER supply and use. This paper examines an aspect of the supply side of the OER lifecycle – the motives prompting release […]

Students: 3 ways we want universities to use our data

Younger students in colleges and universities say they’d like their personalized data to be leveraged toward a more beneficial, meaningful experience—right away. eCampus News