Posts Tagged ‘Software Systems’

Invasion of workplace automation: What happens when a robot has an eye on your job

USC experts in manufacturing, technology, labor, education and business discuss the continued growing pains for work and society in the age of automation University of Southern California

The NextGen LMS – Not Just An eLearning Portal

Had the same Learning Management System for the last few years? Guess what – a lot of exciting things happened while you weren’t looking! eLearning Industry   

Improving the K-12 Online Course Design Review Process: Experts Weigh in on iNACOL National Standards for Quality Online Courses

Within the K-12 online learning environment there are a variety of standards that designers can utilize when creating online courses. To date, the only research-based standards available are proprietary in manner. As such, many jurisdictions have begun adopting online course design standards from the leading advocacy organization, which that have yet to be validated from […]

D2L Signs Loyola Marymount, St. Catherine and DePaul Through Internet2

Internet2 members continue to choose D2L as their learning management system provider. Three high-profile institutions, Loyola Marymount University (LMU), St. Catherine University and DePaul University, are using the learning technology leader’s Brightspace platform to reach every learner. D2L

Try these new ways to take notes, share information, and collaborate

HiveOut India only Group messaging app that offers a new way to manage information, track progress and make decisions. Project Córdoba By Invitation This simple add-in powers Excel to stream and visualize data from physical computing devices in real time. Plumbago Free The notebook reimagined as a more productive, simple, and satisfying notetaking experience. Snip […]

Social media in undergraduate learning: categories and characteristics

This study investigates the core categories and characteristics of the social media technologies (SMTs) that undergraduate students choose to use in their own learning, outside of the formal curriculum. Within a mixed method research methodology, this inquiry employed 30 semi-structured interviews and an online survey (N = 679) to explore why and how undergraduates across disciplines view […]

Examining the UK higher education sector through the network of institutional accounts on Twitter

Web link mining has been previously used as a way of gaining insight into how the Internet may be replicating or reshaping connections between institutions within the higher education sector. Institutions are increasingly active on social media platforms, and these connections have not been studied. This paper presents an exploratory analysis of the network of […]

Data-Driven Personalization Comes to Learning

Like virtually every part of our lives, corporate training has changed radically in the past few decades. We may not stop to think about it too often, but it’s remarkable that we only began to complement traditional training programs with computer-assisted training in the 1990s; that e-learning only gained traction in the early 2000s; and […]

The RISE Framework: Using Learning Analytics to Automatically Identify Open Educational Resources for Continuous Improvement

The RISE (Resource Inspection, Selection, and Enhancement) Framework is a framework supporting the continuous improvement of open educational resources (OER).  The framework is an automated process that identifies learning resources that should be evaluated and either eliminated or improved.  This is particularly useful in OER contexts where the copyright permissions of resources allow for remixing, […]

Blackboard’s All-of-the-Above Strategy

The education company wants to be a cutting-edge software provider and support colleges using older versions. Analysts and some colleges worry the company is stretching itself too thin. Inside Higher Ed