Posts Tagged ‘Research’

Student Modelling in Adaptive E-Learning Systems

Abstract Most e-Learning systems provide web-based learning so that students can access the same online courses via the Internet without adaptation, based on each student’s profile and behavior. In an e-Learning system, one size does not fit all. Therefore, it is a challenge to make e-Learning systems that are suitably “adaptive”. The aim of adaptive […]

More than a game: The participatory Design of contextualised technology-rich learning expereinces with the ecology of resources.

The development of technology enhanced contextualized educational experiences that are personally meaningful for learners is an essential research goal, which is enabled by the ever-increasing wealth of networked, pervasive, mobile technologies. The developments in the rich variety of technologies is not however matched by the development of a rich variety of models and frameworks that […]

The importance of interaction for academic success in online courses with hearing, deaf, and hard-of-hearing students

This paper reports the findings of three studies within a program of research designed to better understand the factors contributing to the academic achievement of students in online courses and the contributions of interaction to online learning.SOURCE: The International Review of Research in Open and Distance LearningRead the Full Article

Online Education’s Importance Confirmed by Release of Growth Data

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) recently released a report that highlights the increasingly large role online education plays in colleges and universities across the country. According to the report, between 2000 and 2008, the percentage of undergraduate students who took at least one web-based class increased from 8% to 20%. In this time, […]

OU develops UK’s first full-text search engine to aid research scholars

The Open University’s Knowledge Media Institute (KMi) has developed an innovative new search facility called CORE – COnnecting REpositories – to help academics, researchers and students navigate related papers from across UK Open Access repositories. SOURCE: Open University (UK)

Using learning styles data to inform e-learning design: A study comparing undergraduates, postgraduates and e-educators

What are the differences in learning styles between students and educators who teach and/or design their e-learning environments? Are there variations in the learning styles of students at different levels of study? How may we use this learning styles data to inform the design in e-learning environments? This paper details mixed-methods research with three cohorts […]

New Television Series to Feature Game-Changing University of Texas Faculty

The premiere will feature an interactive presentation by Communication and Business Professor John Daly about the “Politics of Ideas.” He will examine how good ideas can be put into place and why some ideas never make it that far. In an era in which big ideas in technology, communication and business can alter the landscape […]

Texas Advanced Computing Center to Build Supercomputer with Federal Grant

AUSTIN, Texas — The Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) at The University of Texas at Austin will build and support a world-class supercomputer with comprehensive computing and visualization capabilities as part of a National Science Foundation grant.SOURCE: University of Texas at AustinRead the Press Release

Breaking the cosmic speed limit: Scientists clock particle going faster than speed of light

GENEVA — One of the very pillars of physics and Einstein’s theory of relativity — that nothing can go faster than the speed of light — was rocked Thursday by new findings from one of the world’s foremost laboratories.SOURCE: The Washington PostRead the Full Article

Maximizing Learning Using Online Student Assessment

Abstract As the technological age reaches its peak, so does the need to improve assessment for online instruction. Assessment includes all activities that teachers and students undertake to get information that can be used to improve teaching and learning (Black and William,1998b). Assessment is a critical factor of the learning environment. The popularity of distance […]