Posts Tagged ‘Hardware Systems’

Virtual exchanges promise study-abroad experience for the masses

US universities that seek the benefits of study-abroad programmes without the forbidding costs are increasingly turning to “virtual” foreign exchanges involving individual students and entire classrooms. Although the underlying idea is not new, improvements in technology and a growing recognition of the value of virtual exchanges have fuelled adoption across US campuses in just the past year […]

Arizona State Virtual Field Trips Deliver Interactive Exploration

While birds chitter in the background, a group of students sit in their beach chairs at a beach camp set up near the Nankoweap Granaries, trying to pay attention as their professor gives them an introduction to the geology of that most remarkable of natural formations, the Grand Canyon. Campus Technology

Can a Hands-On Physics Project Lab be Delivered Effectively as a Distance Lab?

In this article, we examine whether an inquiry-based, hands-on physics lab can be delivered effectively as a distance lab. In science and engineering, hands-on distance labs are rare and open-ended project labs in physics have not been reported in the literature. Our introductory physics lab at a large Canadian research university features hands-on experiments that […]

Learning Media Repository and Delivery System for Smart Classroom using IoT and Mobile Technologies

This paper presents a learning media repository and delivery system (LMRD) for a smart classroom using IoT and mobile technologies. It was designed to support active learning pedagogy. Teachers are able to broadcast learning media or course materials directly to the student mobile devices, after that the students can interact to the media by drawing, […]

No Email, No Wi-Fi, No LMS

Amherst College experienced a catastrophic technical mishap last week that left the campus without access to online services — for five days. As IT staff scrambled to fix the problem, faculty and students suddenly found themselves without access to Wi-Fi, email, Moodle, accounting systems, card-scanning systems or any content hosted on the website. Inside Higher […]

Down the deep rabbit hole: Untangling deep learning from machine learning and artificial intelligence

Interest in deep learning, machine learning, and artificial intelligence from industry and the general public has reached a fever pitch recently. However, these terms are frequently misused, confused, and conflated. This paper serves as a non-technical guide for those interested in a high-level understanding of these increasingly influential notions by exploring briefly the historical context […]

What’s New: Consumer Education Show Announcements for Schools

The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas this year showcased some new products for schools and parents. Here are some highlights: Tech & Learning    

With Code Jumper, experts look to jumpstart computer science interest for kids who are blind

WORCESTER, United Kingdom — It’s a warm day in early June and a group of students have gathered in the IT classroom at New College Worcester to show off their coding skills. But instead of poking at tablet screens or typing into laptops, these students are taking out brightly colored plastic pods, connecting them together […]

Download Report: xR in EDU Research

The 2018 xR in EDU Survey is a collaborative research effort between EdTech Times and SRI International, to learn more about how educators across the globe are using xR in the classroom today. Labster and Lifeliqe were key partners in this work edtectimes

A Systematic Literature Review of 21st Century Skills and Competencies in Primary Education

The current literature review the discussion of 21st century skills in the context of primary education. A sample of texts satisfying the predetermined inclusion criteria was analyzed (n = 40), with the aims of synthesizing the proposed frameworks that are most cited by authors interested in 21st century skills and competencies in primary education (n […]