Posts Tagged ‘Hardware Systems’

Exploring four decades of research in Computers & Education

A content analysis of abstracts and titles of 3674 full papers in Computers & Education published between 1976 and 2016 was conducted in order to a) identify and analyze their thematic and conceptual flow, b) how these reflected the evolving technologies and theories and c) how the research topics and concepts semantically related to each […]

Development of mobile application through design-based research

This paper reports on the process of transformation of existing printed course material into digitized content through design-based research where design, research and practice were concurrently applied through several iterations of the mobile application. For this transformation, one session each from BSc in Nursing, Bachelor of Pharmacy and Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Sciences was selected. […]

Website Rates Security of Internet-Connected Devices

If you’re in the market for an internet-connected garage door opener, doorbell, thermostat, security camera, yard irrigation system, slow cooker — or even a box of connected light bulbs — a new website can help you understand the security issues these shiny new devices might bring into your home. Georgia Tech

The Global Landscape of Online Program Companies

New trove of data suggests a bigger, more complex, more varied ecosystem of companies that work with colleges to take their academic programs online. Trying to bring order and understanding to a market as transitory and diffuse as the business of online education can be a challenge. Important contributions have come in recent years from […]

Engaging students in a post-email world

Discover how one university found a way to work around too much unread email and engage with students on a personal level eCampus News

Distance Learning Without Computers

Arizona State University is finding out what refugee farmers in Uganda and online course creators have to teach each other about making do with very little. Campus Technology

At Indiana U., video platform blends traditional and distance education

Students attending Indiana University are now able to combine the collaborative benefits of a traditional classroom education with the ease of access that comes with distance learning, through video conferencing technology. edscooop

Dimensions of digital divide and relationships with social factors: A study of Greek pre-service teachers

In this paper the dimensions of digital divide (DD) are explored among Greek pre-service teachers. The participants (N=309) were asked to complete an instrument with questions about their access and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Data were analysed by Principal Component Analysis (PCA); Six dimensions were extracted: Entertainment Activities at the University (EAU), […]

A Scoping Review of Videoconferencing Systems in Higher Education

Videoconferencing as a learning tool has been widely used among educators and learners in order to induce effective communication between learners and teachers or learners and their peers, especially when face-to-face means are not possible. Different types of videoconferencing platforms or systems have emerged for use in today’s higher education institutions. Previous research has focused […]

Prediction of Student’s performance by modelling small dataset size

Prediction of student’s performance became an urgent desire in most of educational entities and institutes. That is essential in order to help at-risk students and assure their retention, providing the excellent learning resources and experience, and improving the university’s ranking and reputation. However, that might be difficult to be achieved for startup to mid-sized universities, […]