Posts Tagged ‘Hardware Systems’

What’s Happening in ‘Their Space’? Exploring the Borders of Formal and Informal Learning with Undergraduate Students of Education in the Age of Mobile Technologies

The changing nature of teaching and learning in an age of accessible technologies provides challenges and opportunities for the design of learning events. Working with a sample of undergraduate students of education in one UK higher education institution we use an exploratory, qualitative approach to investigate students’ spontaneous uses of their mobile devices in their […]

Readiness of Teachers and Pupils for Use of Mobile Devices as Support for Effective Pedagogy in Nigeria: Could Location be a Major Determinant?

How prepared are teachers and pupils in  Basic 6 (that is, 6th grade) to use Information and Communication Technology (ICT) such as mobile devices to aid teaching and learning in urban and rural schools at that level is a matter of concern and therefore formed the focus of this paper. The study is a survey […]

Practical Video Production for eLearning: Do It Right!

“Practical video because we have to be practical. Frequently, we have to rush because we don’t have the time in our budgets to get things done the way we should or want. But we can be practical and still make great video. The more you do it, the better you’ll get at it.” Learning Solutions […]

Beginning the Fourth Decade of the “IT Revolution” in Higher Education: Plus Ça Change

January 24, 1984, will be remembered in the technology world and elsewhere as the day that Apple launched the Macintosh computer. In the crowded Flint Center at De Anza College, a community college across the street from the Apple campus in Cupertino, California, Steve Jobs pulled a beige computer out of a gray travel bag […]

Exploring High-End Visualization for Research and Education

Georgia State University created a technology-rich visualization space that supports research and instruction and explores the transformative potential of visual media across all disciplines. Campus Technology

Google Glass Finds a Second Act at Work

Google Glass, no longer available to consumers, is gaining fans in the workplace. MIT Technology Review

Making an Impact With Self-Service Video Recording

Penn State’s One Button Studio has changed the meaning of “video literacy,” giving students and instructors the tools to create professional-looking videos without technical assistance. Campus Technology

The iPad Pilot Project: A Faculty Driven Effort to Use Mobile Technology in the Reinvention of the Liberal Arts

Mobile technology is pervasive in society and in particular among young people. The use of such technology in the classroom can be controversial and case studies and data on student perceptions of the technology are rare. This study presents the results of an iPad Pilot Project sponsored by a college at mid-sized university in a […]

Mobile Learning in Higher education: Mobilizing staff to use technologies in their teaching

Almost everybody has a mobile device of some sort or another, be it a laptop, a tablet, or a phone. The latter two are often carried around by their owner and used anywhere and anytime. The use of smart phones and tablets for social interactions is very common amongst students. eLearn Magazine

U.S. Higher Education Institutions Expected to Spend $6.6 billion on IT In 2015, According to IDC Government Insights

Framingham, MA – May 11th, 2015 – According to a new IT spending guide from IDC Government Insights, U.S. Higher education institutions are expected to spend about $6.6 billion on IT in 2015, much of that driven by investments in enterprise networks and higher end notebook computers. The first guide of its kind, , “Pivot […]