Posts Tagged ‘Hardware Systems’

The Internet of Things: Riding the Wave in Higher Education

Industry leaders have been looking toward and anticipating the Internet of Things for quite some time. EDUCAUSE Review asked five experts in the field to share their insights on lessons learned, on current problems solved and created, and on the possible future impact of the IoT. EDUCAUSE Review

IBM, Blackboard Partner on Infrastructure Management, Cognitive Solutions

Blackboard and IBM have entered a partnership that will see the latter managing the ed tech company’s datacenters and cloud infrastructure. The two will also work to produce new education solutions using IBM’s cognitive computing technology, Watson, and Blackboard’s suite. Campus Technology

Tablets Pose Challenges for Online Test Takers, Studies Finding

Some test questions are likely harder to answer on tablets than on laptop and desktop computers, presenting states and districts with yet another new challenge as they move to widespread online assessments.  Education Week

Exploring Faculty Preferences for Mode of Delivery for Professional Development Initiatives

As online learning is becoming more deeply entrenched in higher education, many institutions are designing professional development activities aimed at helping faculty improve their online teaching. The focus of this descriptive study was on identifying the preferences faculty who teach online have regarding how they want to learn about new technology, how to complete tasks […]

Download Report: Public Predictions for the Future of Workforce Automation

A majority of Americans predict that within 50 years, robots and computers will do much of the work currently done by humans – but few workers expect their own jobs or professions to experience substantial impacts Pew Research Center

Taxonomy of Students’ Use of The iPad in Education: A Pilot

This study attempts to present the variety of possible uses for iPads, in the learning process. The objective is to evaluate a unique implementation model that was tried out at a teacher training college in Israel. The methodology is based on a qualitative research paradigm. The findings show that students’ use the iPads in various […]

Technology And Innovation In Human Activity Of The Information Age: Human And ICT

In the article a brief overview of projects initiated by the U.S. National Science Foundation that related to new knowledge on integration and mutual development of social systems is proposed. The projects have a potential for transformation of science and researches, improvement of life quality and economy prosperity, as well as they should ensure outrunning […]

Obama seeks $4B for computer science classes

Funding calls attention to the importance of computer science in today’s education eSchool News

The tech giving people power to deal with disability

Worldwide, around a billion people have a disability, says the World Health Organisation. BBC

Old School, New Tech

After spending millions on laptops and tablets for all students and upgrading its network infrastructure, Moravian College explores how it can use those investments to “redefine the classroom.” Inside Higher Ed