Theatrical activities have been used to promote an authentic learning environment. However, the incorporation of simple daily technology, like smartphones, to enable students to produce a video of their theatrical activities has not been explored in the Indonesian language learning classroom. This paper documents a video project conducted by lower secondary school students at a […]
February 2, 2020 | Daily News, K-12, Research, Video Technology
The primary way L&D can make an impact in this age of automation and AI is by leading what either is now (or soon will be) a massive need for upskilling and reskilling. At various times, different roles in an organization have the opportunity to step up and be heroes—whether by performing what they regularly […]
February 2, 2020 | Business, Daily News
With 99 percent of U.S. schools accessing high-speed broadband, and devices all but ubiquitous in the classroom, the question is no longer whether teachers and students are using technology, but how. On its face, that sounds like a good thing. But just as owning a bicycle does not imbue a child with the ability to […]
February 2, 2020 | Higher Education, Instructional Design, K-12, Research, Technology
One of the challenges in teaching leadership knowledge and skills is the limited opportunity to apply theory into practice. Bringing real life dynamics into the classroom is often time taking and demanding. As a result, teaching of leadership often emphasizes theories primarily through lectures, personality assessments, and case studies of CEOs (Ferris, 1998; Antonacopoulou, & […]
February 2, 2020 | Authentic Assessment, Business, Daily News, Higher Education, Instructional Design, Leadership Professional Development
Remedial college courses generate tuition and fit neatly into existing course structures. But they often fail to deliver access and success in foundational “gateway” undergraduate courses. Because under-represented minorities are over-represented in these courses, remedial courses obstruct equitable access and success. Schools are increasingly turning instead to supplemental instruction and Internet-based intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs). […]
February 2, 2020 | Adpative Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Daily News, Elearning, Higher Education, K-12, Research, Technology
The University of North Texas has announced that students will soon be able to earn bachelor’s degrees fully online, an opportunity it says will make higher education and career advancement more accessible. By offering its Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences — which will be available beginning fall 2020 and hosted using online learning platform Coursera […]
February 2, 2020 | Daily News, Higher Education, Online Degree, Technology
Online courses for high school students promise the opportunity to bring critical education to youth most at need, bridging gaps which may exist in brick-and-mortar institutions. In this work, we investigate a hybrid Massive Open Online Course for high schoolers which includes an in-person coaching component. We address the efficacy of these courses and the […]
February 2, 2020 | Daily News, Higher Education, MOOCs
Digital technology has become a central aspect of higher education, inherently affecting all aspects of the student experience. It has also been linked to an increase in behavioural, affective and cognitive student engagement, the facilitation of which is a central concern of educators. In order to delineate the complex nexus of technology and student engagement, […]
February 2, 2020 | Daily News, Higher Education, Research, Technology
The latest “2019 Global Learning Technology Investment Patterns” report from Metaari declared that a “breathtaking $18.66 billion flowed to ed tech companies around the world in 2019” — the “highest in the history” of the industry, “[blasting] past the records set between 2015 and 2017 and far [outpacing] the historic high in 2018.” As Metaari CEO […]
February 2, 2020 | Daily News, K-12, Markets, Technology
This study focuses on understanding the implementation of three interactive digital products in the first-year foundational courses (General Chemistry, Physics I & II, Calculus I & II) at the Faculty of Engineering, and the perceptions of teaching and learning experiences with those products. The data were gathered from the instructors, students and Distance Education Unit […]
February 2, 2020 | Daily News, eBooks, Higher Education, Technology