The University of Wisconsin, Madison implemented data analytics tools to ensure students are learning from their classes, which has become especially important to assess student engagement in online learning during the pandemic, UW’s student learning team said in an event last week. edscoop
October 19, 2020 | Analytics, Daily News, Higher Education, Learner Support Services
Moving new student orientations to a fully online or blended format has made these programs more affordable, convenient, and accessible for students and their families, and more efficient and streamlined for college and university staff. EDUCAUSE Review
October 18, 2020 | Daily News, Higher Education, Learner Support Services, Management
Coursera has announced that it is continuing its offer of free courses for students and whole campuses, along with some enhanced functionality. Free access to Coursera for Campus was announced in March, to help institutions of higher education transform their programs to online formats. Access to 3,800 courses offered in the Coursera catalog was expected […]
October 18, 2020 | Announcement, Daily News, Higher Education
The widespread growth of online education at higher education institutions necessitates institutional support for the development, implementation, and sustenance of online education. Faculty who teach online are at the forefront of implementation and play a critical role in online student success. In this scoping review, 13 online education quality frameworks were analyzed for the types […]
October 18, 2020 | Accreditation, Assessment, Daily News, Higher Education, Instructional Design
An exploratory study using a questionnaire was conducted among 597 full-time enrolled online students and 53 full-time online faculty teaching at a private university in the Southwest. Results are presented in frequency tables and participant feedback to compare differences and similarities of instructor and student perceptions of reasons for late assignment submission, late point policy, […]
October 18, 2020 | Daily News, Higher Education, Instructional Design
Among graduate students at one completely online university, it previously was found that participation in synchronous one-on-one academic coaching even once increased the odds of persistence 6 to 9 months later 2.66 times. To examine the longer-term impact of this service, this study was designed to investigate the relationship with program completion by comparing the […]
October 18, 2020 | Coaching, Daily News, Higher Education, Instructional Design, Online Learning, Online Training
Over the last decade, K-12 online learning has surged. The same technologies that let us interact face to face at the press of a button, and enable companies to do business anytime from anywhere, are being leveraged to connect students to a high-quality education outside of the traditional classroom. However, the increased adoption of online […]
October 18, 2020 | Daily News, K-12, Learners, Teacher Education, Teachers, Teaching
Alexis R. Abramson, an engineering dean, provides advice on how to replicate the experiential learning of labs, group projects and field research in virtual and hybrid classes. Inside Higher Ed
October 14, 2020 | Daily News, Higher Education, Instructional Design
Blackboard Learn is one of the learning management systems (LMSs), which is used in teaching to manage user learning interventions and assist in the planning, distribution and evaluation of a specific learning process. The purpose of this study was to investigate how the functionalities of Blackboard Learn were used in online courses and how students […]
October 14, 2020 | Daily News, Higher Education, Learners, Learning Management Systems
Online learning has changed higher education, emerging as a primary source for delivering courses and programs to students. As online learning has grown, more non-traditional students have entered college, many for the first time. Consequently, many of these non-traditional are experiencing online learning, and the technologies that deliver them, for the first time. Retention rates […]
October 14, 2020 | Daily News, Higher Education, Learners, Technology