Download Report: Navigating the Digital Shift 2018: Broadening Student Learning Opportunities

September 7, 2018

Navigating the Digital Shift 2018: Broadening Student Learning Opportunities

State education leaders are committed to providing leadership to ensure that all students have access to personalized, engaging learning experiences supported by digital instructional materials and resources. With the transformation to digital learning, more and more states are enacting policies and guidelines to support the implementation and utilization of digital instructional materials, applications and resources. Within states, various districts may already be leaders in using digital materials, yet state leadership allows for an economy of effort and supports equity among districts.

This publication highlights how state policies and guidance are supporting the transformation to digital learning, specifically the policies and processes around the selection, curation, procurement and funding of digital instructional materials. SETDA’s Essential Conditions, identified in the 2015 Navigating the Shift publication, continue to be relevant and necessary for the successful acquisition and implementation of digital resources to support learning. Evidence of state leadership in these areas—equity of access; accessibility for all students; interoperability; and student data and privacy—is highlighted throughout this publication. You will also find specific examples of state policies and guidance and district exemplars highlighting how state policies facilitated the use of digital instructional materials in the classroom to personalize learning.

The State Educational Technology Directors Association