MarketTimes Issues Update: “Adult Students & Distance Education”

September 5, 2003

MarketTimes, a web-based information service focused on the postsecondary education market, issued the first edition of the “MarketTimes Update”, a bi-monthly report that includes data and analysis critical to organizations doing business in post-secondary education.

The September update entitled “Adult Students & Distance Education,” focuses on two recent reports issued by the National Center for Education Statistics. In his commentary on these reports, MarketTimes Executive Producer Casey Green notes that the two research reports “provide important new data that document the changing demography and organizational landscape of American higher education.”

The September 2nd MarketTimes Update is now available on the MarketTimes website at

Future MarketTimes Updates may include recorded interviews with key campus leaders and industry executives, short Flash movies, or links to a voice discussion board where subscribers may pose questions to campus market experts. The format of the MarketTimes Update varies based on the content.

A MarketTimes subscription includes a monthly interactive webcast and 24 bi-monthly market updates – all delivered in a variety of multimedia formats. Subscribing companies and individuals participate in the live, hour-long MarketTimes webcasts, scheduled for the first Tuesday of each month between September and June. Additionally, subscribers will have unlimited access to both the MarketTimes webcast archives and the supplemental information available through the MarketTimes Online Community.

For subscription information and registration, please visit the MarketTimes website at, write to or call John Walber at 215-884-7321.

MarketTimes is produced by LearningTimes, LLC & The Campus Computing Project.