Main Research Topics in Knowledge Management: A Content Analysis of ECKM Publications
Knowledge Management (KM) has already reached the level of a scientific discipline and attracts increasing interest in research and practice. As a consequence, the number of KM publications is growing exponentially. The wide spectrum of publications comprises a variety of topics ranging from terminological, conceptual, and technological approaches to managerial implementation approaches. Several attempts have been made to achieve a common ground of the KM discipline. The aim of this study is a CA-based review of a total of 755 publications published in the proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM) since 2006 and obtained from the Scopus Database. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first documented attempt to analyse ECKM contributions using content analysis (CA). We combine the advantages of manually and automated CA in order to detect research areas and activities within ECKM community. Using the statistical software R, we applied a manually developed KM dictionary on title, abstract and keywords of the publications to identify key research topics examined over the past years. The results are compared with existing studies. The analysis confirms some results of preceding KM studies and reveals a strong interest of the community in research topics like knowledge processes, innovation, learning and technology. Furthermore, there is an observable tendency to use established research methods for analysis purposes. Since the development of a common ground of the KM discipline is still a challenging task, the findings help to discover emerging research topics in KM research but also mostly preferred research methods. Both thematic shifts in the past and prospective future research priorities are pointed out. The results of this study contribute to the role of KM in building resilience and can be seen as an attempt to reflect the identity and the research interests of the KM discipline.
The Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management