Download Report: K-12 Online Program Evaluation, Quality, and Policy

November 29, 2020

K-12 Online Program Evaluation, Quality, and Policy

  • Evaluation and approval of K-12 online and blended programs and courses vary widely by state, but there are five common areas: level of evaluation, approval requirements, geographic reach, delivery model, and evaluation and approval procedures.
  • Educational stakeholders were largely in agreement that there should be clear expectations of accountability for everyone involved in online K-12 education.
  • K-12 online providers reported a number of effective input practices to assure quality; however, they still reported significant challenges related to learner outcomes.
  • Michigan adults felt that it was important for older K-12 learners to have the option to enroll in online courses.
  • Michigan adults viewed K-12 online learning as important to prepare learners for college and future success.
  • Educational stakeholders were using K-12 online learning but had concerns about quality and overall were more focused on blended learning.

Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute