Factors Affecting Faculty Members’ Decision to Teach or Not to Teach Online in Higher Education

September 21, 2008

This study identified the important factors influencing faculty members’ decision to use or not to use any form of online course management applications (OCMA) in higher education. A polynomial logistic analysis led to a statistical-artifact hypothesis: factors did exist that correlated faculty members’ technology adoption decisions. Motivational factors such as Self-efficacy or Philosophy had a strong impact on the probability of using OCMA relative to the reference category of the non-use of OCMA; Teaching experience or Peer-pressure or Class-innovation had no impact; Time was shown not to be a factor. Additionally, this study suggested specific ways in which administrators might play an important role in supporting faculty members’ decisions toward online education. This study was guided by four research questions. It examined six hypothesized independent factors. A random sample of four hundred teaching faculty members in the University of Maine was invited to participate via print surveys.

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