Download White Paper: Evidence-Based Literacy Instruction within Remote Learning Environments

December 20, 2020

The purpose of this white paper is to provide the Ohio Departmentof Education and regional technical assistance staff with a multidisciplinary perspective on the challenge of providing all prekindergarten through grade 12 students with appropriate, standards-aligned, and evidence-based literacy instruction within the context of blended/hybrid learning environments. It is an initial attempt to integrate multidisciplinary information that may be relevant for addressing this challenge. Information was retrieved from individual research studies, research syntheses and meta-analyses, reports, briefs, and books. Findings, conclusions, and implications for practice are based on the best available research evidence.

These include the importance of relational interaction, instructional interaction, and learning interaction, and meeting the individualized needs of special populations. This white paper also specifies implications for practice across different contexts (state and regional leadership systems, districts and schools, and educators and families) and disciplines (designing and delivering remote literacy instruction, new literacies in online research and reading comprehension, and home-school partnerships for literacy learning, likely impacting remote literacy instruction and learning).

Comprehensive Center Network- Region 8 Indiana, Michigan, Ohio