Educational Network Projects as Form of E-Learning

May 19, 2019

In the transition to digital technologies, the pedagogical community needs a fundamentally different methodological basis of education, it is necessary to radically update the goals, content, forms, methods and means of education, taking into account the flow of information and communication processes in which modern youth grows. The article notes a number of positive and negative aspects of e-learning, present’s different opinions of scientists on the use of digital technologies in the educational process. The practice of introduction of e-learning has shown that this system of training raises a number of new problems arising from the insufficient volume of joint creative work of students with a teacher. Electronic network technologies provide great opportunities in the organization of joint activities of teachers and students, individualization of the educational process, the transformation of learning into self-learning and self-education, allow the organization of interactive classes and collective teaching, as well as various forms of control. The basis of one of these technologies is the method of projects. The article describes in detail the features of the use of the method of projects in the educational process. Design technology involves reliance on the principles, norms and rules of design, the totality of which allows you to organize the activities of the student from the idea to its practical implementation. One of the activities in the use of Internet technologies is an educational network project. The article describes the principles of using educational network projects. A distinctive feature of the educational space in the information society – is the requirement of training in cooperation and cooperation. These requirements can be implemented through educational network projects. Applying information technologies in the educational process, special attention should be paid to Web 2.0 services and cloud technologies. Network technologies open up fundamentally new opportunities for accelerated individual development of each student.

International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning