Archive for the ‘Teaching’ Category

Download: Proceedings of the European Distance and E-Learning Network Conference , Genoa, Italy, June 2018

Introduction The demand for people with new, enhanced skills is growing. The volume of information produced and shared in all fields is overwhelming. Building the data economy became part of the EU Digital Single Market. Powerful and sophisticated ICT is part of everyday life, and the world of learning is not an exception. Pressure is […]

Teach[at]CUNY Handbook

The primary audience for the Teach@CUNY Handbook is Graduate Center students preparing for their first semesters as college professors in CUNY’s classrooms. The handbook has been built in dialogue with students at the Graduate Center who have sought guidance and assistance from the Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) in the two years since we opened. Hundreds […]

Continuous Improvement in Online Education: Documenting Teaching Effectiveness in the Online Environment Through Observations

Teaching observations are commonly used among educators to document and improve teaching effectiveness. Unfortunately, the necessary protocols and supporting infrastructure are not consistently available for faculty who teach online. This paper presents a brief literature review and reflective narratives of educators representing online education at multiple organization levels within a comprehensive university.  Each vignette presents […]

Maori Mentors: Expectations and perceptions

This article is informed by a kaupapa Māori methodology and reports on a “by Māori for Māori” peer mentoring programme. The programme, offered by the College of Business at Massey University, focuses on Māori students who are studying at a distance. We outline the programme and the experiences and perceptions from kanohi ki te kanohi […]

New Online Program Helps Non-Traditional Teachers Get Licensed

Cyrus Henson arrives at his classroom at 7:15 a.m. each day after an hour-long commute through the foothills of western North Carolina. He teaches a full day of math to freshmen, then stays until 6 p.m. to prepare for the next day. WUNC91.5

Pedagogic frailty: A concept analysis

This paper adopts the approach of a map-enhanced concept analysis of pedagogic frailty with the intention of increasing clarity of purpose of the model and to promote more explicit discussion on how the term could be used positively within the educational research literature. Examples that are given here show that commonly used expressions such as […]

Mapping the emotional journey of teaching

This paper will explore the use of Novakian concept mapping as a means of visualising and tracing the range of emotions inherent within any teaching experience. It will focus in particular on its use within higher education, where the presence of emotion has traditionally been disregarded or seemingly suppressed. The example of undergraduate teaching of […]

China Focus: Teachers prosper in online education

BEIJING, Nov. 24 (Xinhua) — With a modest salary, teaching is only one of the ordinary professions in China. However, things could be much different once teachers become online celebrities. XinhuaNet 

Middle School Students’ Mathematics Knowledge Retention: Online or Face-to-Face Environments

Educators seek to develop students’ mathematical knowledge retention to increase student efficacy in follow-on classwork, improvement of test scores, attainment of standards, and preparation for careers. Interactive visuals, feedback during problem solving, and incorporation of higher-order thinking skills are known to increase retention, but a comparison of online and face-to-face learning regarding knowledge retention has […]

Evaluating the use of Toondoo for Collaborative E-Learning of Selected Pre-Service Teachers

With the growing reliance on information technology, new trends were marshaled in the field of education to produce graduates endowed with 21st century skills. It is unequivocal that collaborative e-learning encourages teachers to innovate for the enhancement of students’ learning. In furtherance of the ongoing teaching-learning upgrades, this study aimed to evaluate the use of […]