Archive for the ‘Social Presence’ Category

“Tweet tweet” Evaluating Applied Social Care student opinions of engaging through Twitter with contemporary research and debate

When developing engaging pedagogical approaches underpinned by the effective use of technology, having students engage with academic material while on social media presents itself as a worthwhile area of investigation. This study predominantly evaluates the effective development and use of a Twitter account specific to concepts and ideas of psychology on a degree in Applied […]

Identity and digital equity: Reflections on a university educational technology course

This inquiry explored preservice teachers (PSTs) developing learner and professional identities while participating in a university course that explicitly incorporates the use of technology into teaching. The paper posits that it is important for initial teacher education to explicitly engage with the role of technology in these developing identities to minimise the risk of digital […]

(Re)Tracing the Everyday ‘Sitings’: A Conceptual Review of Internet Research 15 Years Later

In 2003, Kevin Leander and Kelly McKim made the argument for connecting scholarship on physical spaces with that of online spaces. They named this fusion of scholarly areas connective ethnography, termed by Christine Hine (2000, as cited in Leander & McKim, 2003). At that time, they asked: “How might we develop research practices and frameworks […]

Influence of Learning Design of the Formation of Online Communities of Learning

This paper presents the findings of a study on a fully online Bachelor’s level course in Health Sciences at a European University conducted to explore the influence of learning design on the formation and evolution of different types of communities of learning. The impetus for the study came from the well-established effectiveness of community-based learning, […]

Case Analysis: Exploring the Application of Using Rich Media Technologies and Social Presence to Decrease Attrition in an Online Graduate Program

Distance education has become a popular method for delivering sport management programs because online learning provides opportunities for learners to continue their education in various settings. Despite increased interests in online learning, the literature shows that one of the largest challenges to higher education is student retention in online programs. This case analysis will analyze the methodologies of Media Richness Theory […]

Bot-teachers in hybrid massive open online courses (MOOCs): A post-humanist experience

Networked technologies have created many learning opportunities and led to new learning models such as massive open online courses (MOOCs). However, MOOCs are an evolving learning model that are even today changing according to learners’ needs. First generation cMOOCs and second generation xMOOCs are now being followed by third generation hybrid MOOCs. In these evolution […]

Differences of Instructor Presence Levels in Predominately Online Versus Predominantly Not Online Courses within the Community College Setting

The increase in the number of students enrolling in online courses (Allen & Seaman, 2013; Bennett, Evans, & Riedle, 2007; Seide, 2016) and students’ concern of the level of instructor presence in the predominately online course (Jaggars, 2014; Queiros and de Villiers, 2016; Tichavsky, Hunt, Driscoll, & Jicha, 2015) are reasons this research is necessary. […]

Educators’ Preparation to Teach, Perceived Teaching Presence, and Perceived Teaching Presence Behaviors in Blended and Online Learning Environments

Teaching in blended and online learning environments requires different pedagogical approaches than teaching in face-to-face learning environments.  How educators are prepared to teach potentially impacts the quality of instruction provided in blended and online learning courses. Teaching presence is essential to achieving student learning outcomes, yet previous research has focused on student perceptions of teaching […]

Pre-service EFL teachers’ online participation, interaction, and social presence

Participation in online communities is an increasing need for future language teachers and their professional development. Through such participation, they can experience and develop an awareness of the behaviors required to facilitate their future learners’ participation in online learning. This article investigates participation, interaction patterns, and social presence (SP) levels of pre-service English as a […]

Study Protocol for a Scoping Review on Social Presence

In the field of e-learning and distance education, there has been a significant amount of research activity surrounding the construct social presence. However, a scoping review on social presence has yet to be conducted. Therefore, the purpose of this brief review is to provide an overview of the research protocol developed for a scoping review […]