Archive for the ‘Research’ Category

Playing and Learning: An iPad Game Development & Implementation Case Study

There is a great deal of enthusiasm for the use of games in formal educational contexts; however, there is a notable and problematic lack of studies that make use of replicable study designs to empirically link games to learning (Young, et al., 2012). This paper documents the iterative design and development of an educationally focused […]

Research in the Crowdsourcing Age, a Case Study

How scholars, companies and workers are using Mechanical Turk, a ‘gig economy’ platform, for tasks computers can’t handle Pew Research Center

Student Perceptions of Self and Community within an Online Environment: The Use of VoiceThread to Foster Community

This paper investigates student responses to two tools used to create learning environments that encourage the sharing of ideas and discussion in online asynchronous university courses. Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology

Supporting the Adoption of Technology Enhanced Learning by Academics at Universities

This paper makes a number of recommendations to academic leaders and practicing academics on promoting the uptake of technology-enabled learning (TEL) across their institutions and on their programmes. The approach throughout is to privilege the academic voice and to reflect the views of practicing academics and their students. The authors – the heads of an […]

Commentary: Building Web Research Strategies for Teachers and Students

This paper presents web research strategies for teachers and students to use in building Dramatic Event, Historical Biography, and Influential Literature wiki pages for history/social studies learning.  Dramatic Events refer to milestone or turning point moments in history.  Historical Biographies and Influential Literature pages feature historically prominent people, both real and fictional. As teachers and students […]

Enabling Collaboration and Video Assessment: Exposing Trends in Science Preservice Teachers’ Assessments

This article details a new, free resource for continuous video assessment named YouDemo. The tool enables real time rating of uploaded YouTube videos for use in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education and beyond. The authors discuss trends of preservice science teachers’ assessments of self- and peer-created videos using the tool. The trends were […]

e-Assessment for learning and performativity in higher education: A case for existential learning

This paper provides a critical and contextualised exploration of assessment for learning (AfL) as an important area of scholarship in higher education, particularly in online learning environments. Although AfL can speak to a range of education discourses, the specific focus here is on the performativity and experiential learning discourses around individual and collective notions of […]

The nature of collaboration and perceived learning in wiki-based collaborative writing

Wiki-based collaborative writing has been widely adopted in education to facilitate collaborative learning. However, research shows that students adopt different collaboration patterns during wiki-based collaborative writing, and that collaboration patterns may vary in how they enhance learning. It is thus critical to understand the relationship between the nature of collaboration and learning. This study examined […]

ICT Capacity Building: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Rwandan Policies from Higher Education Perspective

With the development of technology in the 21st Century, education systems attempt to integrate technology-based tools to improve experiences in pedagogy and administration. It is becoming increasingly prominent to build human and ICT infrastructure capacities at universities from policy to implementation level. Using a critical discourse analysis, this study investigates the articulation of ICT capacity building […]

A Critical Look at a Blended English Language Teacher Education Program with an Emphasis on the Practicum

The aim of the present study was to explore what types of difficulties student teachers enrolled in a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in English Language Teacher Education program offered in a blended format and their cooperating teachers encountered during the student teacher practicum. The participants were 21 fourth grade student teachers and 12 cooperating teachers. […]