Archive for the ‘Research’ Category

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Emporium Model: The Key to Content Retention in Secondary Math Courses

The math emporium model was first developed by Virginia Tech in 1999. In the emporium model students use computer-based learning resources, engage in active learning, and work toward mastery of concepts. This approach to teaching and learning mathematics was piloted in a rural STEM high school. The purpose of this experimental study was to compare […]

A Desire for Growth: Online Full-Time Faculty’s Perceptions of Evaluation Processes

College and universities evaluate the teaching performance of faculty members in a variety of ways. Benefits to effective faculty evaluation include advancing the scholarship of teaching and learning, as well as improving the functionality and innovation of courses, curriculum, departments, and ultimately the broader community (Boyer, 1990; Glassick, Huber, & Maeroff, 1997). While there is […]

Effects of Group Awareness and Self-Regulation Level on Online Learning Behaviors

Group awareness can affect student online learning while self-regulation also can substantially influence student online learning. Although some studies identify that these two variables may partially determine learning behavior, few empirical studies or thorough analyses elucidate the simultaneous impact of these two variables (group awareness and self-regulation) on online learning behavior. This paper compared one […]

Developing Guidelines for Evaluating the Adaptation of Accessible Web-Based Learning Materials

E-learning is a rapidly developing form of education. One of the key characteristics of e-learning is flexibility, which enables easier access to knowledge for everyone. Information and communications technology (ICT), which is e-learning’s main component, enables alternative means of accessing the web-based learning materials that comprise the content of e-learning. However, these materials can help […]

The effectiveness of instructor personalized and formative feedback provided by instructor in an online setting: some unresolved issues

 Formative feedback has great potential for teaching and learning in online undergraduate programmes. There is a large number of courses where the main source of feedback is provided by the instructor. This is particularly seen in subjects where assessments are designed based on specific activities which are the same for all students, and where the […]

The Effects of Instructor Control of Online Learning Environments on Satisfaction and Perceived Learning

 This paper explores the design of a blended learning environment in a transition from face-to-face and seeks to determine whether learner characteristics and background together with blended learning design elements are significant factors for learning outcomes such as intrinsic motivation, satisfaction, knowledge construction and learning performance in blended learning. It is aimed at examining the […]

Guidelines for Transferring Residential Courses into Web

This study shared unique design experiences by examining the process of transferring residential courses to the Web, and proposed a design model for individuals who want to transfer their courses into this environment. The formative research method was used in the study, and two project teams’ processes of putting courses, which were being taught in […]

Design and Development of a Learning Design Virtual Internship Program

Incorporation of practical experience in learning design and technology education has long been accepted as an important step in the developmental process of future learning designers. The proliferation of adult online education has increased the number of graduate students who are in need of a practical internship placement but have limited options due to work […]

Who enrolls in competency-based education? An examination of the demographics and finances of competency-based education programs

The concept of competency-based education (CBE), in which some or all of a student’s progression through a degree program is separated from the traditional credit hour model, has gained popularity in the last few years. However, little research has examined the types of students who enroll in CBE programs and whether CBE results in cost […]

E-mentoring and its relevance for competency-based education for students with disabilities: research from the GSAA BreakThru model

Communication and learning technologies to enable mentoring for students are important topics for online courses and competency-based education approaches. However, research results have been limited. The Georgia STEM Accessibility Alliance (GSAA) is a research project of the US National Science Foundation’s Research in Disabilities Education (RDE) program. It is a collaborative RDE Alliance between the […]