Archive for the ‘Online Learning’ Category

World Campus students find research, publication opportunities as undergraduates

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Rachel Foster and Shannon Ryan collaborated for months on a research project about sexual violence and the #MeToo movement — but the two Penn State World Campus undergraduates didn’t meet in person until they presented their findings together at an academic conference. Penn State World Campus

From Confounded Common Ground: Misunderstandings Between Tertiary Teachers and Students in Online Discussions

Drawing on findings from two studies, this article focuses on the expectations of students and teachers in higher education, when learning via asynchronous online discussions. In particular, this synthesis highlights a divergence of expectations. The first study investigated how students and teachers experienced asynchronous online discussion within initial teacher education at undergraduate level. The second […]

Lived Experiences of Online and Experiential Learning Programs in Four Undergraduate Professional Programs

This paper presents the observations and reflections of four faculty members who developed experiential online learning pathways for students in diverse professional programs. In relation to programmatic expectations of Nursing, Education and Business, the challenges and opportunities for experiential online learning design are discussed. In addition, the scaffolding and development of online learning within an […]

Creative and Innovative Online Teaching Strategies: Facilitation for Active Participation

Facilitating an online course in today’s student population requires an educator to be innovative and creative and to have an impactful online presence. In the current online learning environment (also known as e-learning), keeping students’ thoughtfully engaged and motivated while dispensing the required course content necessitates faculty enabling a safe, nonjudgmental environment whereby views, perspectives, […]

Multicultural Learning and Experiences in Design through Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) Framework

One of the requirements for interior design students by the Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA) is to be “prepared to work in a variety of contexts as well as across geographic, political, social, environmental, cultural, and economic conditions.” To help with this preparation, faculty partners from two institutions- the University of Minnesota Interior Design […]

Enjoyment and Not Competence Predicts Academic Persistence for Distance Education Students

Dropout rates of distance education students is a serious problem for many distance education institutions as well as their students. A psychological factor that is related to dropout is the academic persistence of students, or their intent to finish their degrees. One factor that could predict academic persistence, which is often used to identify and […]

The Use of Exam Notes in an Online Mathematics Course

Many students want to use cheat sheets, or crib notes, on exams. Whether or not those aids actually help them has not been carefully studied. This paper measures 16 students’ notes by scoring the writing density as well as the number of definitions, examples, and mistakes. To consider the effectiveness of the notes, they are […]

Development and Validation of a Test Anxiety Inventory for Online Learning Students

Test anxiety is a serious problem for many college students. This study examines the development and validation of the Online Test Anxiety Inventory (OTAI) to evaluate test anxiety among online students. In this study, the OTAI is developed and administered to a sample of 157 postgraduate online students: 77 males and 80 females, aged 22 […]

Collaborative writing and text quality in Google Docs

 Linking research on task-based collaborative L2 writing and computer-mediated writing, this study investigates the relationship between patterns of collaboration and the linguistic features of texts written during a computer-supported collaborative writing task using Google Docs. Qualitative analyses provide insights into the writing process of successful collaborative groups. Twenty-eight first-year learners of German at a U.S. […]

K-12 online learning journal articles: Trends from two decades of scholarship

In this study, we examined the research literature in the field of K-12 online learning to identify the leading scholars, journals, top cited articles, research methods, and topics in this field of inquiry. Our research process involved collecting a corpus of journal articles focused on K-12 online and distance learning; categorizing these articles according to […]