Archive for the ‘Online Learning’ Category

The Impact of Employment and University Connectedness on the Academic Success of College Students Taking Varying Numbers of Online Courses

This paper reports two related studies on the role of student work, university connectedness, and taking online courses on college student academic success.  In study 1, it was found that differences in GPA between students taking varying numbers of courses online is predicted by the number of hours students are working and not course format. It […]

Download Report: Teaching and Leading Through a Pandemic: Key Findings from the American Educator Panels Spring 2020 COVID-19 Surveys

Educators and students in schools across the United States have faced sweeping, unprecedented changes to teaching and learning because of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, which shuttered school buildings in spring 2020. This Data Note presents selected results on several aspects of schooling, including both teachers’ and principals’ perspectives, and it examines inequities in […]

Download Report: Online College Students 2020: Comprehensive Data on Demands and Preferences (Registration Required)

Download the ninth annual Online College Students research report from Wiley Education Services and Aslanian Market Research, a division of EducationDynamics for insights and recommendations for how to effectively attract, support, and retain online students. Based on a survey conducted in early 2020, this report compiles responses from more than 1,500 past, present, and prospective […]

Investigating synchronous and asynchronous class attendance as predictors of academic success in online education

Learning is facilitated by participation and interaction and can be synchronously or asynchronously in online education. This study investigated the relationship between students’ academic success and online interaction and participation and explored their class attendance (synchronous virtual classes and/or watching the recorded virtual classes) in the online study mode of an enabling program at Southern […]

Creating Better Definitions of Distance Education

Distance education across all levels of education is growing at a rapid rate. As institutions and governments attempt to guide distance education, working definitions and their meanings conflict. Perhaps this is in part because administrators and practitioners are working from definitions that are decades-old. This paper suggests new definitions are needed to help guide and […]

Download Report: Michigan’s k-12 virtual learning effectiveness report 2018-19

Based on pupil completion and performance data reported by public schools to MDE or CEPI, this report highlights 2018-19 enrollment totals, completion rates, and the overall impact of virtual courses on K-12 pupils. Detailed findings are presented in sections on schools, courses, and students, as well as over 50 data tables at the end of […]

The Effect of New Student Orientations on the Retention of Online Students

While there is a lack consensus as to whether orientations for online students should be completed on campus or online, research suggests that having an in-depth orientation and onboarding process increases the academic preparedness of online students and, consequently, improves retention. This action research study attempted to evaluate the effectiveness of an in-depth, virtual, student […]

Editing for equity: Understanding instructor motivations for integrating cross-disciplinary Wikipedia assignments

Advances in both research and advocacy have demonstrated how Wikipedia-based education, as a movement, has grown exponentially in the last 10 years. As a result, academics know a lot more about specific learning outcomes that Wikipedia assignments might enable and are more familiar with issues of social equity (e.g., systemic biases related to gender) in […]

Ramping Up for Remote Instruction

Anticipating continued remote instruction this fall, nonprofits, ed-tech companies and institutions race to provide faculty with the resources and training they need to teach well online. Inside Higher Ed

Virtual Summer Camps Launch To Keep Kids Learning—And Drive Community Engagement

This summer, kids can learn about personal finance from experts at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. High school students can learn about advanced STEM subjects from professors or prepare to take the SAT. Young, aspiring culinary artists can learn new recipes. All for free. With COVID-19 social distancing measures still in effect across […]