Archive for the ‘Online Learning’ Category

Perceptions of Undergraduate Students of Student-Regulated Online Courses

Undergraduate students at a large, public, southeastern university enrolled in one of two independent, fully-online courses were released from the instructor-regulated structure mid-semester.  Subsequently, the course was structured as student-regulated and students self-managed pace of study and timing of assessments for the remainder of the course.  The objective of the research is to assess student […]

Download Report: The Online Classroom of the Future

Have you ever wondered how the virtual learning experience might be greatly improved if it was more like, let’s say, shopping on Amazon or finding all of the information you need through a simple Google search?  For us at Drexel University Online, it’s become a question well worth contemplating, at a time when technology is […]

Top Business Schools and Online Education

Last week I wrote a piece where I hypothesized that the way to understand online learning and business schools is through the lens of brands. I argued that for top business schools, online education is about defending and evolving their brand positions, and about leveraging existing brands to scale. In this post, I look a […]

Coursera’s CEO on the Evolving Meaning of ‘MOOC’

When you can bring huge numbers of students together with lots of well-branded universities and global enterprises seeking a highly skilled workforce, could those linkages be strong enough to forge a new future for massive open online courses? Campus Technology

A Literature Review of the Factors Influencing E‑Learning and Blended Learning in Relation to Learning Outcome, Student Satisfaction and Engagement

In higher education, e-learning is gaining more and more impact, especially in the format of blended learning, and this new kind of traditional teaching and learning can be practiced in many ways. Several studies have compared face-to-face teaching to online learning and/or blended learning in order to try to define which of the formats provides, e.g., […]

Chasing the butterfly effect: Informal language learning online as a complex system

Evidence is accumulating that a major shift is underway in the ways that second language (L2) development is taking place. Increasingly, especially among young people, that process is occurring outside of institutional settings, predominately through the use of online networks and media. That phenomenon has been particularly noticed for learners of English, as shown in […]

With WhiteHat Seed Funding, Silicon Valley Remains Hungry for College Alternatives

WhiteHat, a U.K.-based startup, announced on Wednesday it had closed a $4 million seed round to expand their quality apprenticeship-based education, which serves as an alternative to university. Lightspeed Venture Partners led the round and were joined by Village Global, ShopTalk, and others. ELEARNING INSIDE

Online learning readiness and attitudes towards gaming in gamified online learning – a mixed methods case study

Gamification has gained a lot of attention in recent years as a possible way to foster students’ motivation and learning behavior. As a high drop-out rate is associated with distance learning, in particular with students often struggling to engage with the material, the implementation of gamification may support and enhance more successful online learning. A […]

Case Analysis: Exploring the Application of Using Rich Media Technologies and Social Presence to Decrease Attrition in an Online Graduate Program

Distance education has become a popular method for delivering sport management programs because online learning provides opportunities for learners to continue their education in various settings. Despite increased interests in online learning, the literature shows that one of the largest challenges to higher education is student retention in online programs. This case analysis will analyze the methodologies of Media Richness Theory […]

ABA expands online learning. Will schools take advantage?

If you live in Alaska, good luck going to law school. Alaska has no American Bar Association-accredited law school. If you live in Rapid City, S.D., good luck going to law school as well. The University of South Dakota School of Law is about 400 miles away. PreLaw