Archive for the ‘Online Learning’ Category

Developing and Designing Open Border Teacher Education Programs: Case Studies in Online Higher Education

Online classes in teacher education are becoming more common in higher education in the United States as universities realize that the same outcomes can be achieved without requiring preservice and in-service teachers to enter a physical classroom. This provides savings to both the student and university and fosters broader access to higher education and teacher […]

The E-Design Assessment Tool: an evidence-informed approach towards a consistent terminology for quantifying online distance learning activities

Online distance learning (ODL) continues to expand rapidly, despite persistent concerns that student experience is poorer and retention lower than for face-to-face courses. Various factors affect ODL quality, but the impact of recommended learning activities, such as student interaction activities and those involving feedback, have proven difficult to assess because of challenges in definition and […]

E-Learning Landscape In 2019

With access to education having been made much easier through eLearning, the marketplace is now mature and making greater strides. As connectivity as well as people’s aspirations increase, eLearning is set to witness a sharp rise too, both in terms of numbers as well as innovations. Pretty much whatever one wants to learn can be […]

Efficient Instructional Strategies for Maximizing Online Student Satisfaction

The key to the success of any online program is dedicating attention to student satisfaction. Student satisfaction with what and how they learn in an online classroom is an important variable to understand and can help instructors and course designers create an environment that fits students’ needs. This can be achieved with adequate course design, […]

8 Ed Tech Trends to Watch in 2019

What technologies and trends will have the biggest impact on higher education in the coming year? We asked four university IT leaders to weigh in on the top issues in ed tech and share what they’re seeing both on the horizon and in their own institutions. Here’s what they told us. Campus Technology

Going the Distance – Online Course Performance and Motivation of Distance-Learning Students

This study was designed to better understand what drives the learning and performance of students enrolled in distance-learning courses.  Between 1999 and 2008, the number of students enrolled in at least one online course increased from 10% to 24% (NCES, 2014).   In 2015, the number of  students enrolled in at least one distance-learning course approached […]

Predicting Sense of Presence and Sense of Community in Immersive Online Learning Environments

This study is based on survey research conducted between 2010 and 2017, involving 1053 graduate students using immersive online learning environments for their coursework. Investigators used course structural factors and student engagement factors to predict students’ perceptions of community and presence in the online immersive space. Utilizing the Sense of Community II index (SCI-2) and […]

Deviating From the Traditional Instructional Tools: Integrating Twitter in a Sociology of Deviance Course

As the use of social media in post-secondary education expands, so does the research literature examining its effectiveness in engaging students. Studies have examined the use of Twitter as an assessment and engagement tool, and since this is a broad and growing research area, better understanding whether Twitter can promote these outcomes in an upper-level […]

Moving Towards Sustainable Policy and Practice – A Five Level Framework for Online Learning Sustainability

This paper addresses the issue of sustainability in online learning in higher education. It introduces and discusses a five-level framework for helping higher education institutions to make the transition from enterprise to sustainable policy and practice in online learning. In particular, it responds to evidence in the literature regarding the lack of sustainability in online […]

Research on the construction of seamless learning platform based on open education

The implementation of the national education and lifelong education should break through the traditional learning mode in the digital era. A seamless learning environment is the intelligent form of deep integration of digital learning environment and physical learning environment. The development and construction of seamless learning space and platform is a new trend of international […]