Archive for the ‘Online Learning’ Category

Online Learning: Examination of Attributes that Promote Student Satisfaction

The purposes of this study were to examine students’ satisfaction with online learning and identify attributes that contribute to humanizing the online classroom. A total of 228 students participated in the study, which attempted to determine whether students perceived a social presence in the online course as a result of a variety of communication tools […]

Teachers’ First Experiences with Global Projects: Emerging Collaboration and Cultural Awareness

Two cohorts of teachers recently participated in a professional development program focused on incorporating global perspectives and activities into K-12 classrooms using contemporary technologies. One part of this program requires teachers to plan and carry out a global project with an international classroom as a means to introduce them to a host country’s education system […]

A causal loop approach to uncover interrelationship of student online interaction and engagement and their contributing factors

Advances in technology reinforce the imperative to obtain further insight into the factors that impact online interaction in online environments. Even though past researchers have extracted factors impacting student online interaction and engagement, there is a lack of research that uncovers the dynamics of these relationships and investigates the impact of a comprehensive set of […]

Structural Relationships of Factors Which Impact on Learner Achievement in Online Learning Environment

The purpose of this study is to identify relationships of learners’ achievement goal orientation, self-regulation, test-anxiety, self-efficacy, participation, satisfaction, and achievement in online learning environments in Korea. A total of 1,832 student responses from a Korean cyber university were used to find structural relationships of factors. Causal relationships among various variables are provided as results […]

UMUC 2.0

The online university will become University of Maryland Global Campus and spend $500 million to grow nationally, while some in the Maryland system mull whether the university could help run online programs for other campuses. Inside Higher Ed

Collaborating to Offer Access for California Students Online

Two online initiatives in California—the CSU’s Cal State Online and the CCC’s Online Education Initiative—collaborated to focus on the shared interests of students from both segments by accelerating completion through summer courses. EDUCAUSE Review

Widely Acclaimed but Lowly Utilized: Congruencing ODL Utilization with Its Wide Acclaim

World over, open distance learning (ODL) is widely articulated and vouchered as a panacea pedagogy for increased access and flexibility to higher education. In reality, however, the actual use of ODL approaches in higher institutions of learning in developing regions is unexpectedly low and not in tandem with its wide favorable regional and international vouchering. […]

Creating an Online MBA at a Top Business School: The Latest from Michigan Ross

One of the most ambitious efforts in online education is currently underway at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business. Since August, the #7 business school in the country has been working to put together an Online MBA degree offering for the fall semester of this year. Earlier this month, they announced they had […]

African American Males Learning Online: Promoting Academic Achievement in Higher Education

Online education is expanding within higher education. However, attrition rates for African American males enrolled in higher education in general, and in online courses specifically, is on the rise. Because the future of our nation depends on how well our educational institutions develop, nurture, and deploy talent, an investigation was conducted to identify factors that […]

Learning Media Repository and Delivery System for Smart Classroom using IoT and Mobile Technologies

This paper presents a learning media repository and delivery system (LMRD) for a smart classroom using IoT and mobile technologies. It was designed to support active learning pedagogy. Teachers are able to broadcast learning media or course materials directly to the student mobile devices, after that the students can interact to the media by drawing, […]