The New, New Education
Cathy Davidson’s new book is a manifesto on teaching students — and institutions — how to survive and thrive in the digital age. Inside Higher Ed
Premier Portal for Professionals Since 1995, Covering Technology-Based Education
Cathy Davidson’s new book is a manifesto on teaching students — and institutions — how to survive and thrive in the digital age. Inside Higher Ed
BOOK NOTES Open Educational Resources: Policy, Costs, and Transformation Designing Teaching and Learning for a Digital Age Conducting Qualitative Research of Learning in Online Spaces
The delivery of educational content can take a variety of forms, depending on the dynamics of a particular classroom. With flipped classroom environments, students can better engage and retain concepts and information. Extending the Principles of Flipped Learning to Achieve Measurable Results: Emerging Research and Opportunities shows through detailed case studies how to measure flipped […]
Author discusses new book on the relationship between the “sharing economy” and the erosion of faculty rights. Inside Higher Education
New book examines how technology is changing education — and whether that change is for the better. Inside Higher Ed
Designing Adaptive and Personalized Learning Environments provides a theoretically-based yet practical guide to systematic design processes for learning environments that provide automatic customization of learning and instruction Routledge
In recent years, digital badging systems have become a credible means through which learners can establish portfolios and articulate knowledge and skills for both academic and professional settings. Digital Badges in Education provides the first comprehensive overview of this emerging tool. A digital badge is an online-based visual representation that uses detailed metadata to signify learners’ specific […]
Posthumanism and the Massive Open Online Course critiques the problematic reliance on humanism that pervades online education and the MOOC, and explores theoretical frameworks that look beyond these limitations. While MOOCs (massive open online courses) have attracted significant academic and media attention, critical analyses of their development have been rare. Following an overview of MOOCs and […]
Social media and online social networks are expected to transform academia and the scholarly process. However, intense emotions permeate scholars’ online practices and an increasing number of academics are finding themselves in trouble in networked spaces. In reality, the evidence describing scholars’ experiences in online social networks and social media is fragmented. As a result, […]