Archive for the ‘Management’ Category

Correlation between familial roles and persistence of female students on distance education programmes in Ghana: Through the lens of an administrator

The contributions of individuals towards a nation’s development cannot be underestimated. Nevertheless, research has proven that gender roles could create some setbacks to the extent that some individuals may not be able to reach the optimum in higher education. This correlational study explored whether the interplay of some female gender roles affected persistence as female […]

Is Your ERP Platform Burning?

As legacy ERP solutions begin to show their age, the difference between “cloud-enabled” and “cloud-native” software is becoming a flash point for many higher education institutions. Campus Technology

A Neo-Institutionalist Approach to Understanding Drivers of Quality Assurance in ODL: The Case of the Open University of Mauritius

In recent years, quality assurance (QA) in higher education has received increasing attention by academics, learners, institutions, and governments alike. Many open universities (OUs) have taken steps to re-define or re-orient their systems and practices to integrate quality. While there is a growing body of literature on QA best practices, there has been little investigation […]

Catching the Waves: Technology and the Community College

Four waves of technology are linked to access and success—the twin pillars of community college philosophy. We are poised to have more tools, techniques, and technologies at our fingertips than ever before to help our students access learning, succeed on their learning journeys, and ready themselves for productive careers and lives. EDUCAUSE Review

Institutions to Tackle Internet Governance and Policy Issues

Twenty-two universities, think tanks and advocacy organizations are delving into policy issues around technology and the internet, funded by more than $3.5 million from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. Camps Technology

Disruption in the U.S. Accreditation Space

It is a time of disruption, in politics and government, in many national economies and cultures. In the United States, disruption has also penetrated the accreditation space, with debates and differences about student achievement, access and affordability and transparency, topics also challenging quality assurance around the world. Higher education, accreditation and quality assurance are not […]

Watch: A conversation with the 2019 EDUCAUSE Leadership Award winner

Linda Jorm Associate Vice Provost for Learning Technologies & DoIT Director of Academic Technology, University of Wisconsin-Madison. 2019 EDUCAUSE Leadership Award: Linda Jorn

Higher Ed Organizations Push Forward on Credential Transparency

Led by the American Council on Education (ACE), the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) and Educause, 15 national higher education organizations have signed a joint statement in support of credential data transparency. The signatories are “encouraging their members to describe their credential offerings with a common language and house the data […]

Connecting the Dots: The Changing Higher Education Landscape

At we strive to keep you abreast of the latest news and developments in higher education and its relation with the world of work. New ideas in news items, however, may prop up at any time and very often not in chronological order. In “Connecting the Dots” we try to bring together recent news […]

Education, privacy, and big data algorithms: Taking the persons out of personalized learning

In this paper, we review the literature on philanthropy in education to provide a larger context for the role that technology company foundations, such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and ChanZuckerberg LLC, are playing with respect to the development and implementation of personalized learning. We then analyze the ways that education magazines and […]