Archive for the ‘Learners’ Category

Dropout patterns and cultural context in online networked learning spaces

Dropout is a major concern in networked learning practices, however, little is known about the issue within the perspective of cultural contexts. On this basis, cultural context and dropout patterns were examined through a mixed-methods approach in which social network analysis and two-way between-group comparisons (culture vs. dropout) were conducted. The sample comprised 179 MOOC […]

Learning as It Happens: A Decade of Analyzing and Shaping a Large-Scale Online Learning System

With the advent of computers in education, and the ample availability of online learning and practice environments, enormous amounts of data on learning become available. The purpose of this paper is to present a decade of experience with analyzing and improving an online practice environment for math, which has thus far recorded over a billion […]


Professional learning community (PLC) is a promising strategy for effective professional development because it provides opportunities featuring collaboration, job-embedded contexts, reflection and feedback on practice, and sustained duration of learning. Yet, there are temporal and geographic barriers to designing and implementing a PLC, such as finding shared meeting time and connecting educators across different school/district […]

African American Males Learning Online: Promoting Academic Achievement in Higher Education

Online education is expanding within higher education. However, attrition rates for African American males enrolled in higher education in general, and in online courses specifically, is on the rise. Because the future of our nation depends on how well our educational institutions develop, nurture, and deploy talent, an investigation was conducted to identify factors that […]

Life is complicated: Distance learning helps

Three months after a terrorist attack in Afghanistan left Jeremy Haynes a paraplegic, he met with a psychologist from the Department of Veterans Affairs. “He asked me what I wanted to do with my life,” said Haynes, a retired Army major. “I said I wanted to go back to school. He said, ‘Let’s be realistic. […]

Download Report: The Educational Equity Imperative: Leveraging Technology to Empower Learning for All

The Speak Up National Research Project annually polls K-12 students, parents and educators about the role of technology for learning in and out of school. For the past fifteen years, Project Tomorrow’s® annual Speak Up Research Project for Digital Learning has provided schools and districts nationwide and around the globe with illuminating insights into the […]

Student Questions: A Path to Engagement and Social Presence in the Online Classroom

Within the vast search for ways to enhance the online classroom learning environment and to engage students fully, researchers often turn to discussions concerning instructor-student interactions that take place daily in the online classroom. Although students interact with other students and with the content, it is the student-instructor interaction and connection that appears to support […]

Technology for Student Support Abounds, but Implementation Remains an Obstacle

Some 200 companies sell technologies and services intended to help colleges and universities with their student support work, which has become a $560 million business. Yet colleges and universities still have obstacles to overcome in implementing and integrating student support systems, according to a study undertaken by Tyton Partners. Campus Technology

Online Students Multitask More (Not in a Good Way)

Andrew Lepp wasn’t surprised — and wouldn’t expect most people familiar with higher education to be surprised — by the headline finding of a study he and several colleagues published last week: that students in online courses said they engaged in more noneducational multitasking than did their peers in in-person courses. “I would have bet […]

Accessibility in mind? A nationwide study of K-12 Web sites in the United States

Web site accessibility is a serious civil rights concern that has historically been difficult to measure and to establish success criteria for. By conducting automated accessibility analyses via the WAVE tool, we calculated accessibility norms of a statistically appropriate, random sample of K–12 school Web sites across the U.S. (n = 6,226) and merged results […]